Hello there,, This is my first post and i am quite a newbiee to LinuxMce.
Yet I have setup a hybrid/core linuxMce server and I am able to netboot my Dell's Inspiron 1420 from core.
Before going in to further modification, an idea click in my mind that can i use my Dlink media player Model : DSM-510 as media director?
There are some unique features about this media player.
1. these days this player is quite cheap !!!
2. It has a Wired LAN adapter on its back. it is also able to connect to wireless network.
3. Most importantly, this device has HDMI and SPDIF digital sound output (Optical) as well as alalog audio-video output.
I am not sure how to put an image here on post,, but if you just goolge "DSM-510" for image,, you can have better idea what i am talking about.
4. It has its own remote control, which We might can configure on our core.
This might be a new task for developers,, And i am ready to trial with my piece. if someone suggest me steps to follow.
This device runs "Medialounge Entertainment Network" software..
Please take a look of its user manual,, easily available on Dlink,, and let me know, if i am thinking towards an absolutely impossible task or do i have some Hope here !!!!
I hope someone find this interesting and guide me to proceed further.
Thanks a lot.