My nVidia 7300 blew some capacitors the other day (photo, so replaced it with an nVidia 9800 GT. No X on first boot, then couldn't even get AVWizard to run. So upgraded to the latest nVidia drivers ( per wiki directions and had X working but the onscreen orbiter showing in a little bitty box centered on the display. More hassles with AVWizard before I hit the winning combination of using the
bottom DVI connector to my HDMI TV, followed by entering '1' on the blank screen AVWizard (no case speaker so no beeps). UI2 without alpha blending.
Well and good. Got Onscreen orbiter, screen saver working. But when I use the onscreen orbiter to try to select Media, Videos nothing happens. I can select all of the other Media sub-items (TV, Audio,...). OK, I had one of my NFS systems off line, got it back on-line, problem still exists. OK, try using my nokia n800 and the videos show up fine there (UI-1). Rooting around in the logs and the only possibility I see is a comment that device 19 has not registered.
Wondering if anyone has any ideas, suggestions?