I have my old core with a EVGA Nvidia 7300GT PCIe video card, 512MB ram, running in my office as a plain MD. So far, everything else is working, like pictures, music and videos.
When I try LiveTV, I see the MythTV GANT menu for about 30 seconds, and then it exits back to the flickr slideshow.
If I manually press ENTER to force LiveTV, I actually see LiveTV, but 30 seconds later, it exits.
If I go to the KDE desktop and load MythFrontEnd from there, LiveTV works fine for as long as I want.
Today I deleted all my sources and capture cards, and recreated everything. MythWeb is nicely showing Encoder1 and Encoder2.
I then powered off everything. All computers, LinuxMCE or not. Then powered back on, starting with the Core, then the MD's.
Same problem.
I scanned the forums for similar problems, and there are two threads with similar issues, but no solutions.
The same thing happens if I reboot my PC over the net as a MD. It's an HPa1730n, AMD 4600+, 2GB Ram, with onboard Nvidia GeForce 6150LE graphics. Everything works fine with it except LiveTV.
Here's an excerpt from var/log/pluto/Spawn_mythfrontend_16353.log
2008-06-24 16:09:20.342 Using runtime prefix = /usr
2008-06-24 16:09:20.351 DPMS is disabled.
2008-06-24 16:09:20.438 New DB connection, total: 1
2008-06-24 16:09:20.440 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host:
2008-06-24 16:09:20.441 Total desktop dim: 1280x1024, with 1 screen[s].
2008-06-24 16:09:20.445 Using screen 0, 1280x1024 at 0,0
2008-06-24 16:09:20.454 Overriding GUI, width=1280, height=1024 at 0,0
2008-06-24 16:09:20.454 Setting 'RunFrontendInWindow' being forced to '1'
2008-06-24 16:09:20.455 Current Schema Version: 1160
2008-06-24 16:09:20.476 mythfrontend version: 0.20.20070821-1 www.mythtv.org
2008-06-24 16:09:20.476 Enabled verbose msgs: important general
2008-06-24 16:09:21.055 Switching to square mode (G.A.N.T.)
2008-06-24 16:09:21.077 Using the Qt painter
mythtv: could not connect to socket
mythtv: No such file or directory
lirc_init failed for mythtv, see preceding messages
2008-06-24 16:09:21.448 Joystick disabled.
2008-06-24 16:09:22.886 Loading from: /usr/share/mythtv/themes/G.A.N.T./base.xml
2008-06-24 16:09:22.934 Loading from: /usr/share/mythtv/themes/default/base.xml
2008-06-24 16:09:23.048 Registering Internal as a media playback plugin.
/usr/lib/mythtv/plugins/liblibmythfrontend.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2008-06-24 16:09:23.082 MythPlugin::Init() dlerror:
2008-06-24 16:09:23.082 Unable to initialize plugin 'mythfrontend'.
2008-06-24 16:09:23.082 Unable to run plugin 'mythfrontend': not initialized
/usr/lib/mythtv/plugins/liblibmythmythfrontend.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2008-06-24 16:09:23.082 MythPlugin::Init() dlerror:
2008-06-24 16:09:23.082 Unable to initialize plugin 'mythmythfrontend'.
2008-06-24 16:09:23.082 Unable to run plugin 'mythmythfrontend': not initialized
(There are no capture cards in either of these MD's...)
The "cannot open shared object file" warning message may shine the light on something..
If I look into:
there is only a "filters" directory, no "plugins" directory, but for moon32, it doesn't exist there either, and it doesn't exist in /usr/lib/mythtv/ on the core either.
In my setup, the core is a hybrid, running AMD64 7.10RC2.
The old core, now acting as a MD, with a different video card today, is an Intel machine. In the admin page, the architecture is i386.
My pc, which I tried as a MD, is an AMD64, and the architecture on it is AMD64.
Were there any more reports of this problem after the release of 7.10? and for those that had a similar problem, what was the remedy, if anything?