I've just started getting this error when navigating to the orbiter page in pluto-admin:
Fatal error: mysql error: [1030: Got error 28 from storage engine] in EXECUTE(" SELECT IF(FK_DeviceCategory=2,'mobile_orbiters',IF(Device.FK_DeviceTemplate=62,'on_screen_orbiters','standard_roaming_orbiters')) AS OrbiterGroup, Device.*, DeviceTemplate.Description AS TemplateName, DeviceCategory.Description AS CategoryName, FK_DeviceCategory, Manufacturer.Description AS ManufacturerName, IsIPBased, RegenInProgress,RegenStatus,RegenPercent, DeviceData.Description AS ddDescription, ParameterType.Description AS typeParam, Device_DeviceData.IK_DeviceData, Device_DeviceData.FK_DeviceData, ShowInWizard, ShortDescription, AllowedToModify, DeviceTemplate_DeviceData.Description AS Tooltip FROM Device INNER JOIN DeviceTemplate ON Device.FK_DeviceTemplate=PK_DeviceTemplate INNER JOIN DeviceCategory ON FK_DeviceCategory=PK_DeviceCategory INNER JOIN Manufacturer ON FK_Manufacturer=PK_Manufacturer L in /var/www/pluto-admin/include/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php on line 77
I noticed that my remote orbiter on my laptop suddenly stopped working and my core had trouble rebooting. It was when I went to check it on the admin site that I discovered the above problem.
I've no idea what happened to corrupt my database, but is there any easy way to fix this? Would upgrading to 0710 take care of it (I'm running 0704 right now)?
Bret Wortman