Hey Buddy don't be so critical.
Look for stuff about black screens! If you are not using the default VGA port you can get a black screen because of being connected to i.e. the DVI/HDMI port. When you get some beeps you need to select your video output.
I might be way off the solution to your problem but Linux is putting the effort into coming up with a solution.
Windows is "Here is what can you do, thank-you for your $$$. Sorry, if it crashes or doesn't do what you want".
You have to spend time reading, investigating, pouring thru really useless hints, cryptic responses, etc.
I do not understand your problem. If you could explain it further I am sure someone would help.
I install via CD's because of having to spend hours and hours and hours trying to download DVD because of throttling ISP's
I wish I could do more to help you.