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New in the Wiki: Alx9r's Sample Setup

Started by alx9r, May 12, 2008, 06:54:18 PM

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Quote from: Dave89 on May 07, 2009, 09:16:35 PM
I saw that there were some complete systems except for the AMD processor and RAM recommended on the Wiki.  Those were manufactured by MSI and available at NewEgg.  However, they have been discontinued. 
Do you recommend a system like that, or building one from the bottom up?

Hi Dave,
I completed a guide for what I think is the most pivotal part of hardware selection for LinuxMCE - selecting mainboards.  You can find the guide here:

I'd appreciate hearing how useful it is to you. 

To answer your question: I always build from scratch.   Doing so seems to result in a better value machine once you are done.  You also get to control every last component that goes into your system.  This is a good thing when building a LinuxMCE box because its purpose is so particular and different in many ways from a regular PC.

I keep my updated system design here:


Thanks for your work in setting up the steps to consider in selecting a motherboard for LinuxMCE.  I can tell that you spent a lot of time compiling the information and thought that it was most helpful.  You did a nice job explaining terms which are familiar to veteran users, but not to those that are new to LinuxMCE, such as PXE and GPU.
Listed below are a few suggestions which may make it easier for a new user or someone doing research:
1.  Three different sections for motherboard selection based upon core, hybrid/core, and client.  This would make it even easier to focus on the specific needs of the system being built.
2.  Some more detail about the case for the motherboard.
3.  Information about things like Bluetooth, and remote control receiver.
4.  You have done a nice job detailing your personal hybrid.  You might want to make those references links to that page (such as under Video Decoding Requirements)
5.  Under video decoding, it would be nice to have some more options listed if possible.  Or, at least a link to a list of others.
6.  Also under video decoding, it would be helpful to have some explanations as to what the different playback results mean.  I want to make sure when I select the components for my hybrid that I have a processor capable not only of working with my current TV, but something that will work with TV's I may purchase in the future.
Well, that is the list of things I thought might enhance the page.  Please do not take this as critical, rather my first impression.
Feel free to post back your thoughts.  If I come up with some other items, I will include them as well.
Overall, I felt like a learned a huge amount from reading the page and it was very insightful.


after reading through it, you might want to consider "how to select hardware for a LMCE system" instead of mainboards. You are touching on a lot more then simply mainboards. This will be especially true if you include some of dave89's suggestions. This is a great guide!


I see on your guide, in the video section that the nVidia Geforce 8400GS is not listed.  Was this done because it is not compatable? Or you just never tested it?

I'm just curious because this is the card that currently have.



Quote from: ytuxedo002 on May 13, 2009, 03:26:31 PM
I see on your guide, in the video section that the nVidia Geforce 8400GS is not listed.  Was this done because it is not compatable? Or you just never tested it?

I'm just curious because this is the card that currently have.


If you currently have it, have you tested it?


Yea..just been having trouble with it.  Actually spent some time with it last night and finally got it to PXE boot.  But resolution is waayy off.  And i couldn't get back to the video wizard.


Dave and Pnuts,
Thanks for the feedback.  I chose the title to restrict the scope of the topic to mainboards as much as possible.  I intend to create a broader topic to cover hardware other than mainboards (the topics will surely refer to one another).  It will probably be a handful of topics actually as there is a lot of ground to cover. 

Quote from: Dave89 on May 12, 2009, 11:16:40 PM
You did a nice job explaining terms which are familiar to veteran users, but not to those that are new to LinuxMCE, such as PXE and GPU.
I think hyperlinking the first mention of these words to a wikipedia or LinuxMCE wiki page should help here.  That's on the TODO list.

1.  Three different sections for motherboard selection based upon core, hybrid/core, and client.  This would make it even easier to focus on the specific needs of the system being built.
*wrinkles nose*...that would be messy.  Some factors aren't split nicely between those three categories (like form factor).  There are also criteria that apply to 2 of the 3.

2.  Some more detail about the case for the motherboard.
3.  Information about things like Bluetooth, and remote control receiver.
Case selection, bluetooth, and remote control stuff should go in other topics.  I'm curious what details about cases you are looking for here. 

4.  You have done a nice job detailing your personal hybrid.  You might want to make those references links to that page (such as under Video Decoding Requirements)
Thanks.  Good point, done.

5.  Under video decoding, it would be nice to have some more options listed if possible.  Or, at least a link to a list of others.
I think it would be nice too. ;)  That will depend on others contributing them as I only had the hardware listed there to test.  Perhaps a properly initiated survey would help this along.

6.  Also under video decoding, it would be helpful to have some explanations as to what the different playback results mean.  I want to make sure when I select the components for my hybrid that I have a processor capable not only of working with my current TV, but something that will work with TV's I may purchase in the future.
Hmm...the processing power required to decode a video doesn't depend on the TV.  AFAIK wrt video decoding processing demands there is no (or at least negligible) dependence on the final display resolution.

Overall, I felt like a learned a huge amount from reading the page and it was very insightful.
Well then the goal is largely accomplished.  :) You're welcome and thanks for the feedback.


I keep my updated system design here:


Quote from: ytuxedo002 on May 13, 2009, 03:26:31 PM
I see on your guide, in the video section that the nVidia Geforce 8400GS is not listed.  Was this done because it is not compatable? Or you just never tested it?
The data in that table came mostly from a forum survey (see the notes at the bottom of the table).  The data was contributed by other forum readers like yourself. 

Quote from: ytuxedo002 on May 13, 2009, 03:36:18 PM
Yea..just been having trouble with it.  Actually spent some time with it last night and finally got it to PXE boot.  But resolution is waayy off.  And i couldn't get back to the video wizard.
Once you have gotten to the bottom of it, please post your results on the forum survey thread.  This information is like gold for new users.  You can find the thread here:

I keep my updated system design here:


Thanks for the response.  In regards to the case suggestion, it seems like there are three different types of cases.  One would be for the core which would look more like a regular computer tower case.  One for a hybrid which looks more like a component for a home audio system.  And one for the media directors/client.  I thought it would be informative to know which cases were documented to work well and offer flexibility with certain motherboards and system set ups.  Just a thought.  Perhaps this will be covered in other sections.  In my thinking, once I decide on a motherboard, I will be looking for a case to house everything.  I want to be sure to get a case which is flexible and will allow me to use all the features of LMCE to the fullest.

I was not certain whether bluetooth and the remote control receivers had to be compatible with the motherboard.  If not, then that can be covered in the other guides which you are going to have.

As for the suggestion about specific sections for requirement based upon the type of component being constructed.  It was my thought that even if the information was duplicated, the reader would not have to sift through a number of descriptions and considerations for equipment which they were not going to be building at that time.  I understand what you are saying about how it may be messy, but I just was offering some initial impressions.

In regards to the video decoding and TV's, I was under the impression that the screen resolution and size of my TV would determine what type of playback result I achieved from the processor.  Perhaps I was wrong in my understanding.  If so, it might be helpful to clarify this a bit.  On a side note, are there any processors which work with LMCE which produce flawless results for all of the eight samples?

Just some thoughts.


Quote from: Dave89 on May 13, 2009, 07:55:12 PM
In regards to the video decoding and TV's, I was under the impression that the screen resolution and size of my TV would determine what type of playback result I achieved from the processor.  Perhaps I was wrong in my understanding.  If so, it might be helpful to clarify this a bit. 
Oh now I see where the confusion is coming from, good point.  I have added a section called "Two Distinct Resolution Capabilities" to clarify this.  Let me know what you think.

On a side note, are there any processors which work with LinuxMCE which produce flawless results for all of the eight samples?

I don't know the answer to that.  I have plans to build a media director around the fastest processor I can ju$tify.   
I keep my updated system design here:


One section I would still recommend an update alx9r is the resolution output one. Dave89 is correct that the TV does play a huge part in what resolution you can use. There is a technology called EDID that allows your video card to query the display (TV/CRT/LCD/projector) and determine the max resolution it supports, this is what actually limits your output options on the video card. The setting is in the card software, so it appears its a card restriction, but it actually stems from your display. The rest of it you are spot on, without a fast processor or a video card with VDPAU your ability to actually DECODE HD content is severely limited, and it doesn't matter what resolution your TV is, you might only be able to output 480p, which hopefully then your TV can scale up to 720p or 1080i/p.


Quote from: dragon_788 on May 17, 2009, 04:32:49 PM
One section I would still recommend an update alx9r is the resolution output one. Dave89 is correct that the TV does play a huge part in what resolution you can use.
Agreed.  The resolution that you can use in your completely assembled system depends on the capabilities of your display.  I do have plans to cover that aspect of hardware selection in another topic.  I've added a short note about display resolution capability to the resolutions section on the mainboards page.  Once the full discussion of display selection is in the wiki, I'll link to it from there.

There is a technology called EDID that allows your video card to query the display (TV/CRT/LCD/projector) and determine the max resolution it supports, this is what actually limits your output options on the video card. The setting is in the card software, so it appears its a card restriction, but it actually stems from your display.
hmm...LinuxMCE disables EDID by default.  see the following:

As far as I can tell that information is valid.  In 0710 the template that LinuxMCE uses to generate xorg.conf includes the line

       Option "UseEDID"     "false"


I keep my updated system design here: