...I'm trying to get LMCE 64bit to run on my nvidia 8600 GTS, but when press enter to start the DVD install, the screen goes blank and the TV displays a no signal message. Not sure how to proceed.
Same here - My system is Intel Core2Duo with Asus 8600GT and installing LinuxMCE AMD64 7.10rc1 DVD version.
I've checked the Forum entry about this - I don't get any beeps (sound works ok with standard ubuntu live CD), no amount of pressing the shift key, holding it etc. as suggested to enable the AVWizard. So I can't see anything & can't hear anything. I don't think this is the 'non issue' referred to in the Forums / AVWizard Step by Step
Q: Any thoughts as to what stage the install may be reaching, or what else I could try from boot (perhaps some boot parameters?)
If the problem is video, I'll put in another video card and try that. Otherwise, go back to installing kubuntu and LinuxMCE from CD's, but as another contributor pointed out - the DVD is very convenient and neat!
Symptoms and observationsWhat I see is the kubuntu boot screen, after selecting 'install LinuxMCE' I get a blank screen. Hard disk / DVD is being read for a minute or two (seems to be copying stuff from DVD to HDD) then a blank screen with no activity.
Afer disk activity stops, if I hit <Enter> key I get some momentary disk activity. (Expecting Input I suspect - so it seems likely to be a video problem as suggested).
<Ctrl><Alt><Fn> won't give me a shell regardless of which <Fn> I press (F1, F2....F12), so there is nothing to see - can't get to logs, so I cannot tell how far it is getting with install.
Download ISO has been checked against MD5 checksum (This is the single layer image), multiple DVD's have been made (speed = X1) and give the same result so I am pretty confident the boot DVD is good.
In my particular circumstances, I think that video is alive - the backlight is on, though it does switch the video off (getting the "no video" message from the monitor), but soon after the backlight flickers back on, so i reckon video is there.