After .34 update my webcams stopped working.
If I look at running processes motions seems active, but no picture nor movie are saved.
In /home/cameras there are no new directories, and the existing ones were last modified yesterday immediately before reboot.
On orbiters I can see a fixed picture, reporting date/time of yesterday before reboot.
It sounds like motion may be running, but it is anyway not giving any output.
Could this be related to motion wrapper changes that have been introduced with .34?
If so, how can I have my webcams get to work?
I've sent motion wrapper changes to Aaron two days ago, so they didn't get into release yet...
Similar situation happens quite often with me. One is when motion goes into motion <defunct> state if one of video drivers shuts down, or maybe one of your devices doesn't initaliaze properly. Surely not nice feature - I always thought that motion will run other threads without problem, but if one dies, they all die....
Few things to check :
- logs from motion wrapper
- running motion by hand (type 'motion')
- running motion wrapper from command line
If you come up with more info, I can look at it..