Hi Bulek,
good catch for the identification of the mobile orbiter. I had a look and I don't see how to specify the phone/mobile orbiter. When the orbiter is detected, we can see in the DCErouter logs some interesting parameters:
07 03/30/08 0:48:15.226 Received Message from 30 (Bluetooth Dongle / Salon TV) to -1001 (unknown / ), type 2 id 4 Event:Mobile orbiter detected, retry none, parameters: <0x841ccb90>
07 03/30/08 0:48:15.226 Parameter 5(Mac Address): 00:17:E5:04:xx:xx <0x841ccb90>
07 03/30/08 0:48:15.226 Parameter 6(Signal Strength): 0 <0x841ccb90>
07 03/30/08 0:48:15.226 Parameter 7(ID): Lembas <0x841ccb90>
but I do not see many useful options in the "criteria" menu. Let's keep on searching...
For the delay, the idea is the following. Assume you have a sensor which detects presence in a room. You want a light to be turned on during 10 minutes when that sensor is triggered. What you need to do is create a event handler for sensor tripped, and define 3 actions:
1) turn the light on
2) send a delay of 600000 ms to dcerouter
3) turn off the light
This works fine for me. I agree, itś not intuitive
I haven't done so many scenarios, as much as I would love to because automation is still very unreliable: my home is half x10 half zwave.
X10 has never worked well if there are sensors around because of the bad checksum bug
http://mantis.linuxmce.org/view.php?id=3845 (except for a nasty workaround with heyu that I suggested in an earlier post). I have seen with delight that this has been fixed but not in beta4, I am now in the process of installing a dev environment to try to compile the cm11a driver for a 32 bits arch. Fingers crossed.
Zwave is unreliable because it looses half of my devices at each router reload: [url][http://mantis.linuxmce.org/view.php?id=3614/url] which is unresolved. I have ordered a seluxis dongle hoping its driver will be better but I have doubts.
So you see, my setup remains experimental
But I disgress... some typical scenarios I have are:
- turn off all devices at late night, to be sure I haven left anything on
- react on Sunset event and add 1.5 hour. Then only, light outside lamps at 30% (power save...)
- turn lights on when I enter a room, but only during the day
- etc etc
So still quite basic
Hope this helps