Author Topic: DVD Changer and Network Connection  (Read 2511 times)


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DVD Changer and Network Connection
« on: March 11, 2008, 04:32:26 pm »
OK, so this is the first time I've installed LinuxMCE. I have an Asus Pundit P1-AH2 machine with AM2 4200 processor and 2gb Kingston ram, the Gyration wireless keyboard/mouse combo, Internal Sony DVD Burner, a Hauppauge 150MCE TV tuner card, and a Sony Vaio VGP-XL1B3 200 disc DVD changer/jukebox. 

I installed the system and at the moment I need to find out how to make my internet/network connections work as well as getting my Sony VGP-XL1B3 DVD changer to work.  I'll deal with the tuner card later on.  Any help or direction to help/instructional info. is welcome.  Thanks!