And on another sidenote: God forbid you'd actually know what you're talking about...
I do and have in the past freely admitted that I don't know linux at all, but I went to view the linuxmce video and Firefox tells me that I need the Flash plugin, cool, I click the link and it throws an error. There's another link to manually download and install the plugin, OK, let's do that. Then I get this:
nstallation instructions
.tar.gz installation
1. Click the "Download .tar.gz" link. A dialog box will appear asking you where to save the file.
2. Save the .tar.gz file to your desktop and wait for the file to download completely.
3. Unpackage the file. A directory called install_flash_player_9_linux will be created.
4. In terminal, navigate to this directory and type ./flashplayer-installer to run the installer. Click Enter. The installer will instruct you to shut down your browser(s).
5. Once the installation is complete, the plug-in will be installed in your Mozilla browser. To verify, launch Mozilla and choose Help > About Plug-ins from the browser menu.
.rpm installation
1. Click the "Download .rpm" link. A dialog box will appear asking you where to save the file.
2. Save the .rpm file to your desktop and wait for the file to download completely.
3. In terminal, navigate to the desktop and type # rpm -Uvh <rpm_package_file>. Click Enter. (Note: This must be done as a root user). The installer will instruct you to shut down your browser(s).
4. Once the installation is complete, the plug-in will be installed in your Mozilla browser. To verify, launch Mozilla and choose Help > About Plug-ins from the browser menu.
YUM repository installation
1. Click the “Download .rpm” link. A dialog box will appear asking you where to save the file.
2. Save the .rpm file to your desktop and wait for the file to download completely.
3. In terminal, navigate to the desktop and type # rpm -Uvh <rpm_package_file>. Click Enter. (Note: This must be done as a root user).
4. Once the installation is complete, in terminal, type # yum install flash-plugin. Click Enter. (Note: This must be done as a root user).
5. To verify the plugin is installed in Mozilla, launch Mozilla and choose Help > About Plug-ins from the browser menu.
6. To get the most up-to-date Flash Player in the future, simply type # yum update flash-plugin in terminal. You will not need to repeat steps 1-4.
I attempt the first one and upon typing the command I'm told that the rpm crap isn't installed and to run some other command. OK, fine, I run that one and all seems well so I go back to my flash installation and run that command again and I get a list of about 10 libxxx or whatever that are missing and pretty much you're F'd in the A mister. This is the point at which I just took out my Windows laptop and watched the damn video.
Again, I admit that I don't know Linux and I'm sure there was some easier way to get the flash plugin, but the solution that presented itself was to say the least cumbersome and aggravating.
I, unlike many other people, am NOT an operating system biggot. I believe Linx, just like Windows has it's place and function (MCE for example). However, I really don't see how it can be touted as a "desktop" operating system as long as it isn't idiot friendly because that's what most of us are.
That's all my comment, albeit born of frustration, was intended to express.