LinuxMCE will probably do all that you want and more...
To have ease of install, you need get supported hardware. The most problems I have seen is with the GFX cards.
Nvidia is best supported, but in 0704 and earlier all 7x + needed a newer driver.
Aplha blending is nice on a monitor but unusable on a TV/LCD/PLASMA due to tearing.
Once setup it's user friendly for all and self uppgrading.
Since the core is running a full Kubuntu, you can add Postfix, Apache/Drupal or whatever you server software you want.
Myth is well integrated.
Home automation is well integrated, remember to check wiki for supported hardware, then it is plug and play.
Games.... All MD's with or without HD runs a full Kubuntu. So you can play games via wine.
Mame is comming to LinucMCE... is supported in 0710 wich is currently still in beta.
Your server should be noisy... Lots of HD's and fans
Your MD's can be small diskless silent boxes.
I do recommend the Fiire Chief remote for easy use. Yes it's ugly!
It's definately the best way to control LinuxMCE. Kubuntu and wine you do need a mouse and keyboard as well.
Great ads yes... But the Video is also a walk through of a LinuxMCE installation with supported hardware.
All hardware is listed in the Wiki, and all the steps in the video are also in the Wiki: have not tried the HDDVD or BlueRay integration myself, but I do know that you can not view them without ripping.
From the info I have read, LinuxMCE starts ripping once you insert a disk, and starts playing when the ripping is done.
I am using a self built pc as Core/MD in my office (Core is the serverpart of LinuxMCE and MD is the GUI part).
I have 3 diskless MD's one for the livingroom, one for the master bedroom and one for the guest bedroom.
They are working great and are definately easy to use.
I'm currently running 64bit 0710 Beta3 and all my MD's + Core have AMD x2 64bit CPU and Nvidia GFX.
My two newest MD's are using this motherboard and I can reccomend it for both Core and MD's: work great in 0710B3 I had no issues with them. (Dont try them with 0704 if you don't want to fight with drivers)
I have the Fiire Chief remote and 3 dongles, and a Dell Axim PDA working as a Orbiter (Remote with GUI).
The great thing with the PDA, is that it needs no TV to work, so you can select movies or music on the remote.
The Fiire Chief is a lot better remote on the TV than the PDA.
I also use these keyboard and they work well: I bought them today I would have chosen the newer TrackBall model: do recommend either starting with the 0710Beta3 DVD or wait for the final 0710 DVD.
And do use the DVD since the CD's are a lot more hassle to setup.