Rule #1 - Be Patient - Rule #2 - Don't ask when, if you don't contribute - Rule #3 - You have coding skills - LinuxMCE's small brother is available:
Hi. I just built a custom rig to run linuxmce and to my disappointment, it was not as easy as the video made it look. My problem lies with my video card. It's a gefore NX8400GS. The quick install dvd didn't provide the proper driver to enable the highest UI. So, I followed the steps outlined on the wiki for installing the nvidia driver. That didn't work. It kept reverting back to the vesa driver. So then, I tried install 7.10 using the install discs. I Installed the driver first before lmce. It still is using the nvidia driver, but now my resolution is set way too high to see anything. I checked the xorg.conf and the resolution is set to the the correct res. (680x480) I'm using a giant tube tv with a vga input. It's native res is 680x480. So, my questiong is how to get the resolution correct. I can post my xorg file or anything else that is needed. I'm so close, I just need my resolution to get down to 680x480. Thanks in advance. Here are the specs to my video card.