I just updated my N800 to OS2008 and installed the latest orbiter.
If you go directly to
https://garage.maemo.org/frs/?group_id=162 and download the linuxmce deb it will tell you all the needed dependencies. Most of the dependencies can be downloaded directly from the garage page. Make sure, to download the mysql-common before the libmysqlclient.
If you have downloaded the dependencies of the garage page and retried the linuxmce deb off the garage page and you still have missing dependencies (as being told by the detail page of the programm manager), search for these dependencies in either the Maemo or the Maemo extra repositories. I had problems accessing the Maemo repositories direct, so I used the url
http://stage.maemo.org and
http://stage.maemo.org/extras Also, right now there does not seem to be a deb Package for the Microsoft Truetype Fonts available for the N800. You have to copy the /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts directory contents over to your N800. The only way I was able to do this is by installing the openssh-server. BEWARE: Do not install openssh (containing client and server). It did not let me specify a password to be used for ssh. Manually removing the openssh-server and reinstalling the server alone did do the trick for me.
After the installation of the orbiter software on the N800 I tried starting it. It asked for the IP address of the DCERouter and the Device id of the created orbiter (see the Wiki on how to create the orbiter in the admin page of the DCERouter). However, connecting did not work, but hung the N800. What do you do, if a computer hangs? You turn it off. After restarting the N800 and re-executing the LinuxMCE Orbiter it took a while and started the orbiter. The orbiter is very good to read, and it is much faster than a weborbiter I tried before.
However, I have an (imported) audio library of about 15000 files. Choosing audio does take a while to start showing the list. Also, selecting one of the characters to jump to a specific performer, does NOT work on my installation.
As there is no progress displayed after selecting for example Audio, you sometimes double click. This can be especially bad, if you are selecting the Back button.
Another thing that does cause problems on my system is switching away from the orbiter to surf the net. Coming back shows a frozen screen (just white) and I have to kill the orbiter on the N800.