hehe, well, I think I found my first Major bug...
While I was searching for the reason, I also found a solution.. so It's just going to take a bit more coding to fix...
anywho, here's the situation:
I scan all child devices for their insteon ID, and make sure they're all in the PLM. If they're not, I add them to the PLM.
I do this so that when I put the PLM into MONITOR MODE, it will catch all messages..
All is fine, so far...
When someone presses a Switchlink, it sends out an insteon message saying it's turning on/off...
Here's the catch:
a Keypadlinc does the same thing.. BUT it's NOT CONTROLLING ITSELF!!
a closer look at the keypadlinc, it sends BROADCAST messages (determined by the flags) with the button ID as the GROUP.
hah! I was tracking the FROM Address and assuming this was the device turning on... which is NOT the case!
The fix: (and it's pretty easy)
I already interrogate all child devices and download their databases. I store this information in the child object itself (in devdata_[59] configuration, which is added to each device by CODE, not template)
I also have the database in memory.. so I have to search the memory for RESPONDER records of said insteonID and GROUP.. then send events based on those devices...
I also found another situation to address:
I have 2 devices that are NOT connected to anything -- they are keypadlincs used as REMOTE CONTROLS.. (by the bed)
I have to find a way to add those devices as child devices, but don't control anything directly, they simply send out commands to control other devices...
As always, I would REALLY like some comments / suggestions.. I know almost everyone is busy with the 710 beta.. I'd be right there with you guys too if I wasn't sooooo close to having this done.
I don't want to 'break' my system until I'm finished... hehe
more or less FYI...