Status as of Friday, 21-dec-2007
(from below)
1. DONE.
2. DONE.
3. DONE.
4. DONE.
5. not done.
In the case where a child device is not 'linked' to the PLM,
I have the driver automagically adding links into the PLM.
I have figured out a way to store configuration data to the child. I'm not happy with it, but for now, it works.
I'm 2 layers deep in my spider routine.. One layer to go, and it'll be done..
I'm still not sure how I'm going to handle 'new' devices that I find..
I WILL be able to determine what type of device it is, (if it's a dimmable switch, or a sprinkler controller, etc.)
Maybe someone can chime in here and point me in the right direction... I'm thinking about what to do when I do find new devices...
is there a LIGHTING WIZARD I can fire, or a SECURITY wizard, or anything like that.. to assist the user in setting the device up..
Lighting, I was thinking of possibly blinking the light, and asking the user which room the BLINKING light is in.. LOL
I'll be on for a bit for any comments...
Just a status update..
Progress has been a bit slow as most of advanced functions have been trial and error..
Working on Automatic Linking / Spidering of devices:
I now have routines to:
1. Read the PLM's ALL-Link database records
2. Read a remote Device's ALL-Link database record/records
3. Parse said databases records.
framework is in place to:
4. Add a database entry to the PLM
5. Add a database entry to a remote device.
although I have not tested this yet.
Reading the PLM's database was easy..
Reading a Remote device's database was not so easy.. it required PEEKing the device's memory, 1 byte at a time, and then reassembling the record.
Adding records shouldn't be hard, I DOUBT I need to POKE bytes to remote devices, I should be able to use the "assign to Group" command..
As for the PLM, I can use the "Manage All-Link Database Record" to add records...