Ruby is a beautiful language. If you don't have it, pick up the PickAxe book.
You'll find that Ruby is _very_ close to Smalltalk...only a few very small differences, and just as powerful. I write a lot of my research software in smalltalk and ruby because they allow me to test ideas very quickly, and flexibly
I will continue to work on LinuxMCE too, it's my one enjoyment right now... my fiancee is 4000 miles away, I'm alone in this city with no friends, and I work in the bowels of a health insurance corporation, the ultimate corporate hell....tack onto that that i am desperately trying to go through school so that maybe...just maybe MIT will grant me entrance for graduate level work, because I want to work towards a Ph.D in computer science to do blue sky systems research (I hate the state of computing today, I want to help change it, even if it is only for myself.).... LinuxMCE is just one aspect of my research.
tack onto that, I've gone into my manic depressive cycle, and basically, I'm amazed i'm still alive....
thanks, and I hope i feel better soon.