Hi all
I'm facing the following issue with Xine_player on my EPIA M10000 MD:
when I start playback of any kind of video (DVD or DivX) things go smooth for a while, then playback tends to stutter and progressively gets worst.
If I play the very same DVD or DivX on the very same MD but ith Xine (i.e NOT from within LMCE) playback is fine from the beginning till the end.
So it is definitely something that has NOT to do with MD, but has surely to do with Xine_player.
By looking at what top says during playback, i've noticed that Xine_player is eating some 50% CPU in the beginning, and progressively tends to eat more and more CPU hitting also 80%.
When Xine plays the very same movie on the very same box outside LMCE it sticks around some 50 - 55% CPU load and never moves higher.
Of course when I play movies on my hybrid things are always good (definitely more horse-power) but on a 1Ghz box this kind of increasing CPU load negatively impacts on video performances.
My EPIA MD has a CLE266 Integrated Graphics with Viaarena Unichrome Pro drivers (compiled as per totallymaxed advice found on this forum), so it is not a matter of bad drivers or missing video acceleration.
To be honest this issue has been present also in some releases of Pluto, so it is something that LMCE inherited from its ancestor.
In the past I've always managed to play my media avoiding Xine_player and launching Xine with custom scripts that I manually fired in Computing section, but this turns to be quite annoying.
My question is: what is supposed to do Xine_player?
To my knowledge (but I can be easily wrong) it should be a kind of a xine gui controlled by LMCE, that manages to call xine libraries in order to perform media playback.
But what else is it doing to eat that much of extra CPU?
Is this issue something that developers are already aware of?
On a recent post from Fiire GM I've read the following:
Further, Fiire sponsors 2 full time developers who work on LinuxMCE. We have offered the LinuxMCE team a bunch of new code, which will likely be in the 0710 release, to now support HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, which will be part of our new 1080p FiireStation due out next month. This was *not* a trivial task by any means. It required re-writing a bunch of code in LinuxMCE to use MPlayer instead of Xine. And our developers are now working on adding support for HD-DVD menus, sub titles and audio tracks in mplayer under the GPL, which will benefit not only LinuxMCE, but all MPlayer users.
Should I assume that actually Xine is beeing totally replaced by MPlayer starting from 0710, so my question about Xine_player has come a bit late?