I'm trying to setup ADSL access on "external" network interface of 2 nic setup - Hybrid.
I'm following Wiki pages on this :
http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/How_to_setup_ADSL_access%3Fbut it doesn't work for me... The most I get with manual setup that Hybrid connects to network, but none of local computers.... I have changed to other ip local adresses and maybe this caused this mixup.
I'd kindly ask for some guidance, since I don't know much about routing tables, etc..
1. how to check and fix routing table on hybrid ? Can anyone explain it a bit ?
2. is it necessary to do manual work to establish pppoe connection on boot ? Pppoeconf asks user if I want to have this feature, but have no clue if it works. Anyone with experience in this field ?
When we establish proper procedure, I guess ADSL support can be easily be added to LMCE to allow users in Europe to use most common Internet access type.
Thanks in advance,