Thanks for the reply. I guess anything that Linux can run on should work, but I'm trying to minimize the deviations from a 'default' installation, at least for the first media director I build. The idea of a fanless system is appealing, but I don't know that I want to spend the extra cash up front to create extra work for me when I'm also trying to sort out IR controllers, etc.
It would be nice if somebody had a nice document that explained all the little bits and pieces that need to come together to create a set-top box. It's very confusing trying to find cases that have IR built in (and which type of IR do I need?), figure out if a particular m/b will support it, getting TV-out, gigabit ethernet, etc. I imagine the number of 'perfect' combos (case, m/b, processor) would be small enough that there could be a list created somewhere...