Also, while I'm at it, how do I access the system from another computer on my LAN, i.e. with my own lLAN subnet, not on the MCE LAN of Specifically I wish to add systems to the web-server such as smokeping, so I need external acces to see the pages. Also, I read something about a windows orbiter, but that seems to be unavailable. Howwould I go about getting vncserver to run at boot, or is there some other preffered method for external desktop access?
Actually, after trying for some time, I'm not even able to ping the system from another computer on my network, eveng when setting the ip address of the MCE system manually. I had to do this since I was unable to get ifconfig to work, it reported it was not installed, even though net-tools is installed. Does this mean my installation is broken in some way? So the basic question is, how do I get access to the system from another computer in my LAN, regardless of syste, ssh, vnc, web, etc. I should probably also mention that the mCE system can accsess the network, so it is working. Is it possible to just get rid of the internal network, and only use my external lan network?
Furthermore I get numerous CIFS write/mount errors (using network shares), and when updating the system I get errors when running the final scripts such as Couldn't open /lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic. Is this bad?
Discovering media files on shares works well the first time, but on subsequent reboots the files are all gone, and the orbiter does not recognise video files on the DVD/CDs I feed it, even though the avi files are visible in konqurer and plays fine in xine.
This was a lot of disjoint questions, i hope someone has answers to at least some of them