Once you have built the Unichrome Pro drivers you can use the install script to add them to any MD (you can build them on the Core or any other Kbuntu machine running the correct kernel - it does not have to be a Via machine). We usually add them during the first real boot of a new MD at the point where the AVwizard tries to run but can't start X (the display will continually loop in the console - going blank for a few secs each time). Just ssh into the MD and run the installer from the console choosing the appropriate options for your Via hardare etc. After about 60 secs the AVwizard will spring to lif and display its first screen... this is an indication that the drivers have installed cleanly.
When I ssh into the MD, I can login using user and password "linuxmce". But when I'm logged in, I'm user "sambahelper" and I can't get root privileges, because I don't know the password of this user.
- I tried to set a new password for root (sudo passwd root) -> Asks for password, which I don't know
- I tried to get the password from samba Credentials file (cat /usr/pluto/var/sambaCredentials.secret) -> Permission denied
I have a FiireStation set-top-box and a "Generic PC as MD" template for this machine, the machine is stucking, where it tries to start the AVWizard. Can someone please explain me, how I can install the driver on a MD or how I can get root access on this MD?