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Resolution of Hybrid stuck at 640x480

Started by imcshane, August 22, 2005, 08:34:43 PM

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Installed on two servers with ATI cards that are supported in Linux, both systems default to 640X480, if I change the resolution via the Admin site for Media directors I get only the top left of the orbiter image. Editing Xconfig-4 which was set to 640x480 has no effect.

Both systems work fine @ 1024x768 using other flavours of Linux including sarge.

I do understand that the interface is 800x600 but 640x480 is not so usable for browsing and admin.

There was a bug report and one user reporting similar issues that were resolved, just cannot get there.



default resolution is set to 640X480 because there are tv's which don't support 800X600.
the concept is that you need to set your monitor resolution from wizard>devices>media directors, and then go to wizard>devices>orbiters, and choose your orbiters size. choose 1024x768 and hit 'full regen' button for that orbiter.
orbitergen will generate the screens with new resolution then.

tell me if you still have problems


Aaron - Win discovered this morning that you need to do a full 'reload router' after using 'Full Regen' rather than use the 'reset router' check box in Wizards-Devices-Orbiters on the Pluto Admin web site. Once you do the full 'Reload router' then the on screen Orbiters resolution is correctly set.



Sorry Dan... that last post should have been directed at you not Aaron!


indeed, after 'full regen', you have to hit 'quick reload router' from Orbiter UI or from pluto-admin web-site.

as far as I know, 'quick reload router' has the same command from UI or web-site. there's no difference between buttons.



What does the 'reset router' check box in Wizards-Devices-Orbiters screen do then? It does appear to reload the on-screen Orbiter for the Media Director in question. The 'regen & Reset' router combo does not appear to resize the Orbiter menu screens but the 'Regen & Reload' router combo does.



'Reset Router when done regenerating' from orbiter's page means that after orbitergen has done regenarating the screens should do a 'quick reload router'.
if you don't check the box, after orbitergen is done, the device will do a 'exit orbiter' only.


i'm having the same issue.  i have an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro, but it says "standard video card" in the MD configuration.  i try to set the resolution to 1024x768 at 60 Hz and it reverts back to 640x480.  i can't see all the buttons on the on-screen orbiter (only top left of screen).  do i need to update the drivers?  if so, please explain how.


Quote from: "anonymous"i'm having the same issue.  i have an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro, but it says "standard video card" in the MD configuration.  i try to set the resolution to 1024x768 at 60 Hz and it reverts back to 640x480.  i can't see all the buttons on the on-screen orbiter (only top left of screen).  do i need to update the drivers?  if so, please explain how.

oops.. i wasn't signed in...


When you change the resolution you should get a second X server running with colored rectangles in background, each one matching a resolution and a dialog box telling you the real current settings, since X may decide not to use what you really want. Also, on the web page you get the real current settings the same way as you get them in the dialog box. When you select 800x600 or 1024x768, do you get the test screen and its parameters correctly or does it fall to 640x480 for the test too?


So far the resolution change has only worked on an onboard Intel GPU, attempting the same with the Ati onboard GPU will lead to the orbiter image being displayed incorectly, as in the top right is only shown.

Selecting any resolution other than 640X480 still shows a yellow screen test screen and defaults to 640x480. after a restart, regen, ect the image on the orbiter is 1024x768 on a 640x480 display with only the top right buttons available and the rest hidden.

The bug report about this shows the details including screen shots.


Some cards don't use the specified resolutions. Some drivers ignore modelines. I haven't found a general rule on this. You may need to change the config by hand and experiment a bit (or let me into your system and I'll do the experimenting). If you do, and you succeed, please post me the working /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file. Thanks.


Hello everyone,

I'm having a problem with resolutions as well.  I have a machine setup as a hybrid.  It has an Nvidia Geforce 4 mx card in it.

When using wizard-devices-media directors, I can change ONLY to two resolutions (i've tried every combination)  640x480 at 60hz and 800x600 at 60 hz.  ANY other choice ends up with the test screen showing 640x480 at 60hz.

I'm ultimately trying to use a custom modeline that works well with my widescreen HDTV (Which I've used under varions linux distros in the past with excellant success)
The Modeline I would LIKE to use is:
"856x480" 37.546 856 952 1000 1112 480 513 514 563 +hsync +vsync

Setting that, or any other MODELINE manually in XF86Config-4 yields 648x480 at 60 hz.

I can't for the life of me figure out why this distro will not accept my modeline.  Different Drivers perhapps?

Any help appreciated, and I would be happy to open my box up to an SSH Connection if a developer wants to take a look.

Best Regarsd,
Ben Bawkon


I'm trying to find the answer to the modeline question for quite a while now myself. Some drivers accept modelines, some drivers ignore them altogether as if they're not even there, although they are.


Well, I solved my problem.

I put in my modeline, but in that section I also put in
HorizSync 31.5-37.5
VertRefresh 59.9-60.1

Left the driver as 'nv'

and vollia,
it works.

now i have to figure out how to get on-screen orbiter to use my weird resolution.

Best Regards,
Ben Bawkon