So you think that it worth to spend 150$ in that remote control, this will be the most expansive remote I’v ever seen. My thought, I would rather spend 40$ to buy the linuxmce software than to buy very specific hardware. If I buy the software or to buy support for that software will not limit the delivery since it’s over internet while the hardware is kind of fragile and when I break it I will not be able to get another since its coming from overseas and will cost me 150+30 shipping=180. I know its brand new hardware and you will never find it in local market and when and I don’t want to get other remote which is limited function or has some work around to get it working, if I want to buy I will buy the right and full function. I don’t have that much of time to read and test all the way to get the system work although I’m not programmer to get advantage of open source I’m only consumer who want that with reasonable price. One factor for popularity is the cost.
My opinion if I were in their shoes as follows,
Linuxmce = free
Support= 25$ per year
Remote control = 35$
Plugins and extra features= 25 a year or 45$+support
Package= RM+ support+ extra features = 65
Linuxmce is not comparable to other, actually there is no such software in the world doing the same functions, therefore I assure that it will gain lots of millions from the world since people look for (affordable+ cost-effective+ scalable+ easy of use and setup+ reachable)
I know there is some buyer for that remote 150$
Its better to get 1millions to spend 45$ than to be closed for 1000 buyer which they spend 500$
1000 buyer the company earn 500,000$
The first plan 45,000,000
So if I were the company I will make it under the first plan somehow.
Anyway you are not talking to U.S or UK you are talking to the whole world, as of me Im from Saudi Arabia “sorry for my bad English” and LinuxMCE took my attention and wishing to get it work at my home. Im not poor to say im not able to buy that whole system but its like that, im not going to spend money for something extra in my life even its unique unless its reasonable compare to what we have in the world.
I was going to use windowsMCE or Tvedia but I didn’t find what I’m looking for, so I found it in LMCE and I will wait till they upgrade to version which can use any low price or reachable device.
Sorry to make you read all that but really I wrote it because I wish for better. I respect your opinion and I’m sure not all of you will agree with what I said, since everyone has its own reason regardless whom affiliated to LMCE or fiire company.
Don’t also forget that LMCE is not portable so next year we will see amazing portable media center that can do all that with more feature and will said I wish I didn’t spend that much so I can buy this too.
Thank you gentlemen for reading bad English.