Rule #1 - Be Patient - Rule #2 - Don't ask when, if you don't contribute - Rule #3 - You have coding skills - LinuxMCE's small brother is available:
mkdir -pv mntsudo mount LinuxMCE_0704_CD1.iso mnt/ -o loopsudo dpkg -i mnt/mce-installer_2.0.1-1_i386.debsudo umount mntrmdir -v mnt
To get the right installer from the ISO, do the following on a (fresh) install of kubuntu 0704, in the directory where you placed the ISOs:Code: [Select]mkdir -pv mntsudo mount LinuxMCE_0704_CD1.iso mnt/ -o loopsudo dpkg -i mnt/mce-installer_2.0.1-1_i386.debsudo umount mntrmdir -v mntAfter that the installer icon should pop up on your desktop. With a bit of luck you won't be seeing anymore boobs 'till you put some porn on... The installer will also allow you to specify alternate network settings. I have had one or two installs pauze halfway through because they lost the network for some reason, but after restarting the network while the installer was still running (/etc/init.d/networking restart iirc) it simply continued.
Well, as I write this I've got Traffic playing and a test recording of Star Trek scheduled for later on my newly minted linuxmce box...I have to double check, but I'm pretty certain that the WinTV PVR 350 and my datadirect mythtv program are still not listed in linuxmce - I had to manually set this up in MythTV...Thanks for the help!