I keep getting the error: ata2.00: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x4) after the Kubuntu screen when I'm trying to install. After this error pops up the installation doesn't continue.
We've seen this on one of our installs to. What we did was rebooted and used the boot in 'Protected Mode' Grub menu option to boot the machine. You will then see a lot of console messages scroll through on boot up but you should eventually get to either the KDE Desktop or the LMCE manager window and then the boot will be normal from there. Next time you boot you should be able to let the machine boot using the default Kernel in your Grub menu without a problem.
Once booted dont forget that with the DVD iso install you will need to go into Web Admin and configure your external network settings to suit your requirements. Also even after you have chosen to add 'DVD Playback software' in the add software screen of the Setup Wizard you will still need to run the setup script from the console as follows to make DVD playback work;
sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh
Then do a reload router in the Orbiter.
The bootup problem after initial install has been reported to the LMCE guys by the way. Its an artifact of the way the DVD iso was created.
Hope this helps. If not let me know