Is the only LMCE Core dependency on KDE (and therefore on X) just the Launch Manager? If so, why go the radical route of experimenting with runlevels, rather than replace the launch manager with commandline executables? Other than the fun of the wizardry, that is.
Most of the Launch Manager is info reporting, and some GUI commands that are replicated elsewhere (like in the Orbiter). There are also some features for switching between Orbiter and KDE contexts which are unnecessary if either or both of the KDE contexts are eliminated. The unique LMCE dependencies on the Launch Manager seem to be only
1. Auto/start/stop Core/MD,
2. MySQL connection configs
3. Video driver/resolution settings
4. Audio driver/passthru settings
5. Opening external editors for config textfiles
#2-5 seem trivially replaced with commandline tools. #1 seems pretty easy, too. Are there really no other LMCE dependencies on KDE/X? If there are some dependencies on KDE/X libraries for processing multimedia, but not for displaying anything on the Core, then even those libraries could be installed without actually running X, and getting all the benefits of cutting X bloat from the LMCE Core.