Ok, maybe someone can help me figure out how to use filters to get what I want.
I'm dealing with TV Recordings, but also Movies.
For my TV Recordings, I've set the Title attribute to be the show title (e.g. "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" ).
I set the Episode attribute to be the episode title (e.g. "Go to Hell", "The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp", "The Chick Chop Flick Shop", "Who & What", "Goodbye and Good Luck" ).
I set the Release Date attribute to the first aired date, ("2007 10 11", "2007 10 18", "2007 11 1", "2007 11 8", "2007 11 15")
I also set a brief description.
When I want to watch TV shows, I want to see a list of the unique show titles, but just one for each show. Once I select one, I want to see a list of the Episodes for that show, sorted by Release Date.
Now please explain how I can do something like that in the UI.