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How To Listen Online Radio With LMCE

Started by Cj_MaN, June 15, 2007, 10:50:19 PM

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This is a How TO for everyone who wants to listen it's favorite Radio from LMCE:

Step1: Go to Web Admin: by opening an Internet Browser. Type your LMCE CORE ip in the address field.
Step2: Login with your LMCE user and password.
Step3: Go to "Advanced -> Configuration -> Scenarios -> Media Scenarios" and press "Add My Scenario" button.
Step4: Under "Add My Scenario" Type a Description, like 977 Online Radio, check on which entertainment area (room) you want this scenario to appear. And Press SAVE
Step5. Then Click On the Description of the scenario that you've just added.
Step6. "Scenario commands" -> Select "Xine Player [the entertainment area where you want to start playing]" from the "Device:" drop down and "Play Media" from the "Command:" drop-down, then press the "Add" button.
Step7. In the "#59 MediaURL (Special)" field type the url of your online radio station and the port ( like this: ), in the "#29 PK_MediaType (int)" type 6 .
Press the SAVE button and "Test Command" to see if it works.
Step8. DO a Quick Reload & Regen and you'll be able to see on the media menu, or your orbiter, your radio. Click on it and you'll hear it.

PS: to stop It you have to start and stop an onther media, or just create a new scenario that will send the Stop Media to Xine Player.


Update: this hint was wikified, reworked to use "Media Plugin" instead of Xine_Player (this allows to see that media is played in Orbiter), another radio URL was added (currently it works), and also added notes&troubleshooting.


Do you reckon this would work for videos too?

My scenario as i'd like to see it:
My young boy has row of buttons that are programmed, via serial interface to fire certain kids films

This could be done i reckon with these media scenarions


I don't have any links to internet videos at the moment, so can't test. One possible change will be that you need to put the MediaType to 5 instead of "4". Please post here your results.


no I meant buttons to trigger the playback of certain videos stored on the core.

press button 1 to play ice age
press button 2 to play thomas the tank engine


Yes, you can use MH Play Media to do this. Add this command to a scenario using the Advanced Wizard when creating the scenario. You just need to fill MediaURL with the path to the file on disk.

If you wish to take this a step further, you can use HADesigner to create a custom Skin, and a main menu screen for an orbiter (a lot more involved, but very customizable)



sorry to somewhat hijack this...but....thom did you ever get very far with the HA Designer stuff? if so what did you think of it? if youd want to talk about it i can start a new thread. im still very hopeful for the UI3 stuff.
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
Asus M2V Via AM2 ATX
Lite-On LH-20A1S SATA DVD Burner
80GB  SATA-150
EVGA GeForce 7300 GT 512MB DDR2 PCI Express
Sound Blaster Audigy SE
Kingston 2 GB PC6400 DDR2 800MHz
Ultra X-Finity 800-Watt
Cisco 7970


yes, I am very proficient in it, now.



think you could help some of us set it up and try to get it working for us? think it would be easy for an average person or would you need a lot of developmental type skill? maybe you could give a class in teh chat room sometime? :) what were your likes/dislikes about it?
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
Asus M2V Via AM2 ATX
Lite-On LH-20A1S SATA DVD Burner
80GB  SATA-150
EVGA GeForce 7300 GT 512MB DDR2 PCI Express
Sound Blaster Audigy SE
Kingston 2 GB PC6400 DDR2 800MHz
Ultra X-Finity 800-Watt
Cisco 7970


it requires much patience. While the theory and infrastructure behind Orbiter's UI is very sound.. the tools used to fabricate and manipulate the interface are functional, but far from intuitive.

Creating new UI looks, is therefore going to be a completely different ball-game from other communities, in which it will take the cooperation of EVERYONE to make it a reality, especially considering that UI designs are not separate from the system, but are intrinsically tied to the database, and that when you make a UI, you have to not only consider people using UI2 on their TV's, but also:

UI1 on a TV
UI1 on an Orbiter
Symbian (aka Cell Phone)
PDA (basically UI1 vertically oriented)
and skin derivitives such as SmallUI which run on the Cisco 7970 IP phone.

So the typical rogue approach of an artist saying, "I'll make a skin!" won't work. We have to work together.

And I will be providing a workshop on HADesigner soon enough. I have to work out some logistics first.

and I am not holding my breath for UI3. It's all talk at this point, no action.

secondly, UI3 can't be just another "gee, let's just do this in flash" because we're needing to target for OTHER UI's than televisions. we have to also support our touch tablets, the Cisco IP phone, cell phones...


teedge77 still crossing my fingers something for UI3 pans out...but there hasnt been much talk about it lately. im sure its been kinda pushed back to get the final 0710 out. i am looking forward to your workshop. itd be cool if you could do a demo on installing and configuring and stuff with a camtasia like application. if you need help with anything, i am more than willing. im limited in experience and knowledge....but always willing to learn though. im glad you got it to work so well for you. i kept reading ...oh its crap...oh its not user friendly...its useless. i kinda figured people were just frustrated and didnt want to take the time to learn it.
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
Asus M2V Via AM2 ATX
Lite-On LH-20A1S SATA DVD Burner
80GB  SATA-150
EVGA GeForce 7300 GT 512MB DDR2 PCI Express
Sound Blaster Audigy SE
Kingston 2 GB PC6400 DDR2 800MHz
Ultra X-Finity 800-Watt
Cisco 7970