since 3 weeks i live in my new house - full of EIB - stuff Very Happy
After some troubles to connect with the linuxmce Server it is working really great - (i had a wrong BCU)
But now there are some questions:
1.) I can't put my lights on the floorplan. They are not in the list. Thermostats are working. Does anybody know how to put the lights on it?
2.) When i dimm my light to 50% with linuxmce it works very fine. Then i turn on the light with my light-switch (EIB) - this works also. But when i then try to dimm my light 10% less it goes to 40% and not 90%. The reason is: linuxmce don't update the state of the light - switch when i change it with the EIB-Switch. Is it possible to listen to the bus an update the state of the light-switches? (the same problem occours with drapes)
3.) I need to send every hour the recent Date/Time to the bus because i have to update the Clocks in the Thermostats. My idea was to make a new Timed Event and send the Date/Time from the lmce to the groupaddress. But i can send only a hardcoded String. What should use to send the system-time?
Yeah, i think that were the most recent questions. I'll hope somebody can answer some of them Smile
best wishes from vienna