Rule #1 - Be Patient - Rule #2 - Don't ask when, if you don't contribute - Rule #3 - You have coding skills - LinuxMCE's small brother is available:
Right finally got a second to try the stuff put.When i try to run from the terminal using:/usr/pluto/bin/ripDiskWrapper.shI get the following error:/usr/plutp/bin/ line 209: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permittedthen under that I get:/usr/pluto/bin/ <Disk_Drive device id> <job id> ................I think these are the usage commands for im not entirely sure.Does this make sense to anyone?Im not sure what I should specify for the usage commands though to be honest being a bit of a new person to the LinuxMCE scene.Any further help on this matter would be great as I have bought a new HD for my music and its just sitting there waiting for me to use:)Thanks in advance.Matt
Ok it will copy a DVD to the HD fine with no problems at all. I was amazed at how easy it was to get ripped and the speed was excellent.Sadly though My CD Ripping will not work. Im not sure if this is anything to do with it but I may have selected MP3 in the setup and not MP3, will that make any difference?Cheers in advanceMatt