That is odd. Are you familiar with a Linux console, and how to login? If so, please login as root and type this:
#That will start the sql database client and give you a mysql> prompt, at which type:
use pluto_main
select * FROM Users;
#You should then see the contents of your Users table, and there should be 1 record with your user info. If you don't see any records, please do a "select * FROM Device;" and let me know if you have records in the Device table. The 'password' column contains your password as an md5 hash. If you want to see a password as md5, type this:
select md5('foo');
# where 'foo' is what you think your password is. That will show you your password as an md5 hash. Is it the same as the md5 column? If not, then somehow the password is different. Please e-mail me the md5 hash that is in your table to aaron.b at plutohome dot com, and I'll check to see if it's the same as on our server. If you want to change the password, type this:
update Users set Password=md5('newpassword');
#to set the password to [newpassword]. Type 'quit' at the mysql> prompt to exit mysql and return to the Linux console. Whenever you login with the pluto-admin site your password is validated against that Users table in your local database. So the failure was either (a) that the user record wasn't pulled from the website, or (b) that the password in your local database is not what you think, or (c) that there's a problem with the pluto-admin page. Please let me know so we can figure out what went wrong and be sure to correct it. Thanks.