Hi All
I started a little project for DansGuardian back several weeks ago to allow editing of configuration files such banned site list, exception ip list, etc.
I am looking for some testers and suggestion from the community.
The basic functions of the module is to allow editing of the configuration files without having to SSH into Linuxmce console.
The layout of the module is as followed.
A new folder called dansguardian is created inside the lmce-admin folder.
Inside of this folder contains several PHP scripts folders & two .sh files and one exported mysql file.
On the initial setup the main index.php file checks the database to see if we have a database called dansgaurdian, If the database doesn’t exist, it will create it, and then import the exported mysql file.
Next, it checks to see if there is any IP address belonging to the MD’s in the pluto_main/ Device table and if there is any IP address, then export and import them into dansguardian/ exceptioniplist.
This check allows our entire MD’S to have full access to the internet.
The android app is just a font end to the module and allows you to easy add and edit blocked/exceptional ips and websites, also any changes made to the scripts in the back end, the app is updated on the next re-opening.
If you’re interested in testing or have any suggestion then follow the below.
You a can also see screen shots and video clips here
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/b4kwchpa153e6sr/AADbS964eH9DpuBLFCEKSON6a?dl=0**Please note, I can't be held responsible if this back your system**. I have tested this on my live machine of 10.4 and it should work with 8 & 12 system, but I haven't tested it on 8.10 system.
Sudo commands maybe different on different systems.
To get started follow these instructions.*** You must have DansGuardian & Squid3(transparent)installed first *** Before we start, lets create a back upSSH into your LMCE
mkdir /etc/dansguardianBACKUP
cp -r /etc/dansguardian/* /etc/dansguardianBACKUP
Check to see if the backup is OKcd /etc/dansguardianBACKUP
type dir you should the files and folder then
continue to install below
1. SSH into your LMCE
2. chown your username -R /var/www/lmce-admin
3. cd /var/www/lmce-admin/
4. wget
http://www.woodart.ie/dansguardian.tar5. tar -xzf dansguardian.tar
6. Check to see if the folder was extracted and created type dir
7. you will see a folder called dansguardian in the lmce-admin folder.
8. Type cd
9. To ensure the folder and files is writable type
10. chown your username -R /var/www/lmce-admin/dansguardian/
11. type cd
12. The Below command copies the scripts to enable and disable filtering
13. cp /var/www/lmce-admin/dansguardian/setupfiles/*.sh /usr/pluto/bin/
14. visit OR
http://dcerouter/lmce-admin/dansguardian/15. You should get all systems good to go if the install went correctly
16. Download the android app from here
https://www.dropbox.com/s/s1yatre9iv7x6pq/LMCE.apk?dl=0Warning Note:
if you are testing the filter by categories do not enable the categories that have a red warning.
If you have installed the blacklist correctly you will have a green tick against the each category.
This green tick tells you are good to enable.
If you enable a red warning dansguardian won't restart and all internet will be down and you will have to edit the file manually and then remove the all of the categories that were enabled.
I use nano you may be using VI nano /etc/dansguardian/lists/bannedsitelist
scroll down to the to the categories list and crtl + k to cut the text (ie nano) crtl + o to save and crtl+x to exit
restart Dans
/etc/init.d/dansguardian start or /etc/init.d/dansguardian reload
Then revisit filter by categories in the drop down menu. disable all and update Dans Guardian, other wise every time you update the file, it will hang the system because the database was not told to disable the category, and you will have to repeat the above steps.
You can see it in action by disabling the filter and watching the log using this command tail -f /var/log/squid3/access.log
Once disabled the log does not move or update.
any issues let me know in real time
seanmcgovern626@yahoo.com or in this topic.