Author Topic: Announcing the Preview Release of the Athena UI & Orbiter for Dianemo (at last!)  (Read 3837 times)


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Athena UI & Orbiter Preview Release
free to all Dianemo users

Today we are pleased to announce that a preview release of the new Athena UI & Orbiter for Dianemo has been released - to all Dianemo customers as a normal update. We decided that it was better to release this preview release to everyone now rather than just to those who signed up for our proposed beta release - we've kept you all waiting long enough!

What does preview release actually mean though? In our case it means that Athena is broadly feature complete and stable. But there are still some areas where more work is required. The key take away is that Athena is stable and complete enough to use in real installations (some installers are already providing it to customers) and will only get better and improve as we release updates in the coming weeks (all of which you will receive automatically by running the updater).

Simply run the updater script to get all the new Athena packages installed. Once the update has completed go into Web Admin and do a reload to initialise everything. Also make sure that you fill in the Country, Region & City fields in Wizard -> Basic Info -> Installation in Web Admin too (this information is used by the Weather & Time widgets).

Installing the Athena UI does not effect your existing traditional Orbiters. Both types of Orbiters can exist on a single system quite happily.

You can access your new Athena Orbiters simply by typing the following into any Web browser installed on a PC, Laptop or Tablet connected to your internal LAN;

No configuration or devices to add in Web Admin, no templates to add, no regens to do. Simple. Fire up your browser or install the iOS App on as many devices as you need - the rest is totally automatic and pain free! Add as many Orbiters as you need - have a tab on your laptop or on your Work PC (Requires a Remote Access subscription), on a tablet or any other device with a modern Web browser eg Door Entry panels or other embedded devices.

We have a new Free iOS App in the App store for you to download and use on your Dianemo system. The new Dianemo SmartHome App requires iOS 8 or later and is only compatible with iPad - an iPhone version is in development and will be available shortly. Download and install the new App on as many iPad's as you need there are no restrictions. We do plan to have an Android App in the future too but for now you can use Chrome to access the new Orbiter.

So if you have an iPad please download the new Free 'Dianemo SmartHome' App in the iOS App store - make sure you download the new App and not the standard 'Dianemo' App. To configure the Dianemo SmartHome App open it and then touch the 'ToolKit' icon in the top right corner of the iPad's display. You will now be in the Settings screen. Set the 'Allow use of mobile data' setting to on/off as required, select the 'Connection type' - Local when accessing your system from its LAN side Wifi network or Remote if accessing your system when away from home. Next touch 'Connection' and then the '+' button in the top right of the 'Connections' screen and then touch the 'i' icon next to your next connection. Each 'Connection' allows you to connect to a different Dianemo installation. As this is your first simply fill-in the 'Name' field to give your Dianemo system a name, fill-in your systems 'Installation number', next the 'Nerve Centre IP' on your LAN. Lastly fill-in the 'Remote Connection' section if you have purchased a Remote Access subscription from us; User name & Password (**leave these blank if you do not have a subscription**). Lastly touch the 'Save' button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Now touch the '< Settings' button top-left of the screen and then the 'Done' button if you have made all the changes you need to make.

After a few seconds you will see the new UI and it will ask you to select a 'Room' - select one and you will now be at the new 'Home screen' with the Weather & time widgets displayed. Across the top of the screen you will see the 'Button bar' (which can be dragged left/right to get at any buttons that are off the left or right extent of the display... Simply touch a button to select it. It should all look fairly familiar and will reflect the setup of your system.

As this is a preview release there is still some functionality missing and areas that may change (these will be delivered as they are ready as normal Dianemo updates). The preview release for example does not currently support Kmotion Security Camera access, language localisation (English only currently), UI Skins or other customisation features. All of these and more will be added through future updates - I will post a forum message when an update is available.

Anyway that's a quick overview...enjoy this Preview Edition of the Athena UI & Orbiter! Any questions please PM me or post to this thread.

All the best


« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 04:46:51 pm by totallymaxed »
Andy Herron,

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@herron on Twitter, via email or PM me here.

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