You may want to install development dependencies. The best way to do this, is to check out the source tree somewhere, e.g. /home/src
mkdir -p /home/src
cd /home/src
svn co
and then
cd /home/src
You'll see our entire source tree in here, for all our core code.
What we're interested in is in our builder scripts:
cd Ubuntu_Helpers_NoHardCode/conf-files/lucid-i386
There is a list of development packages in here in the file build-packages, but we need to make one slight change, as there is one package that is in here that is normally not available on standard LinuxMCE system (it's related to some DVB stuff that VDR uses, which is not relevant for you, but if we don't get rid of it, apt will complain that the package does not exist.)
Use your favorite text editor to remove line 19, which looks like
save, exit, and then:
apt-get install `cat build-packages`
NOTE THE BACK TICKS, they are not apostrophes!
It should install all the relevant development stuff.
If apt complains, remove the offending package from the build-packages file, and try the above step again.
Once this is done, try compiling your code... you'll want to use -lid3tag probably in your compile statement, so that gcc will link the library you need.