Apologies all, been on holiday, and for some reason, no email notifications of your posts?!
I have updated the ticket with some new scripts and pages, including service management of transmission-daemon, the ability to change username and password, or disable login, and some way of connecting via SSL, which requires a mod to the Apache config (also on the ticket)
I'll try to go through the questions / statements you've added!!
Would you mind sharing your scripts? I'd really appreciate it. Feel free to add them to the ticket.
No problem, I added the following lines to the transmission-daemon settings.json, however, I use version 1.93, which does not support on complete scripts (I found this out later!) but reading the LinuxMCE Wiki, I believe it should work!!
"script-torrent-done-enabled": true,
"script-torrent-done-filename": "/usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter -r 0 20 1 809 9 \"Transmission Torrent Download completed\n$TR_TORRENT_NAME\" 70 \"alert\" 182 \"30\" 251 \"??\"",
What is your level of transmission integration into lmce?
1.93 (The torrent site I use is quite strict on this, I had to roll it back from the updated one, apparently, they reckon higher versions give false stats?! Not entirely sure myself, but it's a good site, and I don't want to be kicked off!!)
If you can fix up an install script that includes the edit to the config file then we can put a package together.
OK, I'll get to work on it now, I had posted a few comments on the ticket, but I guess here's better for chatting, the ticket is for updates and facts I guess!!
Thanks all for your interest!
More humble apologies! On reading the posts properly, realised you weren't actually talking to me on these! Sorry Davegravy, hope I haven't stolen your thunder!
Further Update!:
For the install script, which I had previously created something at the beginning of this post, which includes the copying of the web pages from the location of the unpacked tar file, and the extra menu item addition in the MCE database. Excuse me for being a bit of a nube, but.... do I assume the copying of the web pages will be unnecessary, if it is incorperated, would I just need the apt-get install of transmission-daemon, the new database, /usr/pluto/bin script, settings.json changes and the update to apache and it's LinuxMCE-ssl update?
Sorry, I know you're busy with other stuff too, but I need some guidance to give you what you need to have a complete install.