Pointman87: tried to install the device on a MD. seemed to go ok, until I got a screen saying "the device failed to start, something is not right'. Then the Tellstick was detected again and the software installation ran again, the device was started again, and also failed to start again.
Tested if I could switch on/off lights through the webadmin, did not work. So same result as on the core.
Then removed the tellstick from the MD, both physically and in the webadmin.
Posde: After I removed the Tellstick from the MD, I rebooted the core, removed the Tellstick devices, did a quick reload router, and plugged in the Tellstick.
Result: after a while Tellstick is detected, software is installed, asked to restart the router. nothing seems to happen, so quick reload router from webadmin.
Result: one single instance of Tellstick in the webadmin under device tree - core. Added an on/off light switch. Quick reload router. Try the new light device: no luck, nothing happens. Rechecked functionality with 'tdtool' :working. Did a screen -ls to check if any tellstick process is there: no Tellstick process:
root@dcerouter:~# screen -ls
There are screens on:
6807.VDR_32 (03/31/2013 12:26:33 PM) (Detached)
6801.Picture_Viewer_27 (03/31/2013 12:26:33 PM) (Detached)
6791.MPlayer_Player_26 (03/31/2013 12:26:33 PM) (Detached)
6782.LaunchPhoto_Screen_Saver.sh_25 (03/31/2013 12:26:33 PM) (Detached)
6772.Xine_Player_23 (03/31/2013 12:26:33 PM) (Detached)
6768.SimplePhone_22 (03/31/2013 12:26:33 PM) (Detached)
6501.OnScreen_Orbiter21 (03/31/2013 12:26:30 PM) (Detached)
6242.Slim_Server_Streamer57 (03/31/2013 12:26:21 PM) (Detached)
5765.External_Media_Identifier30 (03/31/2013 12:26:19 PM) (Detached)
2811.Disk_Drive29 (03/31/2013 12:26:13 PM) (Detached)
644.Text_To_Speech19 (03/31/2013 12:26:11 PM) (Detached)
31652.Asterisk18 (03/31/2013 12:26:09 PM) (Detached)
31428.HAL16 (03/31/2013 12:26:07 PM) (Detached)
31176.App_Server15 (03/31/2013 12:26:06 PM) (Detached)
13048.discovery (03/31/2013 12:16:29 PM) (Detached)
12946.DCERouter (03/31/2013 12:16:27 PM) (Detached)
5870.LMCE_Launch_Manager (03/31/2013 12:15:59 PM) (Detached)
5752.BkgSS-UpdateMediaDaemon.sh (03/31/2013 12:15:59 PM) (Detached)
5309.XWindowSystem (03/31/2013 12:15:54 PM) (Detached)
3942.GamepadRadar (03/31/2013 12:15:52 PM) (Detached)
3630.NFSRadar (03/31/2013 12:15:52 PM) (Detached)
3581.SambaRadar (03/31/2013 12:15:52 PM) (Detached)
3549.StorageStatusRadar (03/31/2013 12:15:52 PM) (Detached)
3401.VoiceMailMonitor (03/31/2013 12:15:51 PM) (Detached)
3388.NewMDinteractor (03/31/2013 12:15:51 PM) (Detached)
3375.DhcpdPlugin (03/31/2013 12:15:51 PM) (Detached)
26 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-root.
So, I am a bit lost now.....