Soooo, did anything happen in the past month or so?
Of course not. That would go against our collective beliefs.
But just today I got a brilliant (for various definitions of "brilliant") idea that will probably become useful. I'm thinking of extending the "Execute Command Group" command that the DCERouter can handle to include user-specified and server-specified variables, a la Orbiter's SubstituteVariables.
Here's how it looks like:
You have a scenario that says "MH Play Media" with a parameter called "Entertainment Area" that has a value of "<%=E%>". That would normally be substituted by either OrbiterGen or the Orbiter (not sure which, don't want to check right now) to form a proper command.
So... I want to do this:
Execute Command:
PK_CommandGroup = 1
Variables: C:EA=2, where C is for "Client", EA is for "Entertainment area"
but also be able to use a S:IP variable in the scenario should I need it for whatever reason, where S is for Server, and IP is the Core's IP address.
Another potential variable that crossed my mind: S:MyEA - where the client just doesn't want to bother with looking up its own EA or Room, for various reasons (like it's not very economical for it, but really cheap on the Core).
An Orbiter would be able to operate sans-OrbiterGen, using only "Execute Command Group". You'd probably lay it out by dragging scenarios from a palette on the side or something. The Orbiter would be one way until a back channel is implemented (shouldn't be that hard if you know where to look and write a very generic data source counterpart of "Execute Command Group" - if there isn't one already of course).