pga: the process is not completely automatic, yet. Couple of things: After you create the multichannel sound card device you will need to run /usr/pluto/bin/ This will fill in the missing device data you are referring to. Select the proper card from the device data drop down. Next add the stereo virtual sound cards as children of the multichannel card and set the right and left channel #s for these devices. Then you will run /usr/pluto/bin/ This *should* generate an asound.conf and an /etc/pluto/alsa/virtual_cards.conf file. This will create the virtual cards named: Virtual_XXX (where XXX is the device number of the virtual stereo sound card device in webadmin). Set the Alsa Output Device of your squeezeslave devices to the appropriate Virtual_XXX device. Quick Reload.
L3: SAV should completely ignore his audio cards and not create an asound.conf, EXCEPT for the virtual cards. On my test headless core I got a broken asound.conf as I have not run AVWiz and do not plan on it (no mediadirector there). AVWiz is completely optional. Therefor SAV should only create the appropriate entries for a mediadirector sound card, xine, etc, if AVWiz is run.