If there is a spec available
What spec?
and I get remote access via SSH to a system where it is hooked up to the serial, and a slave to press buttons on request, I can write a proper C++ device for it.
I can setup facilities for you to have a go at it. I have enough hardware laying around, and I can dedicate an IP to that setup. If needs be, I can hook up any of the equipment I have (or am planning to use). I'm just setting up anyway, nothing is final yet.
By the way, my offer to help in funding still stands. I missed the previous one.
and a slave to press buttons on request
do you mean someone needs to be on location as needed?
I'm willing to do that, but that means I have to NOT set it up in the rack at my office like I plan to, but rather set it up at home where I spend most of my time (telecommuting).
I have to say that I appreciate all the help I have received so far. This is truly a great and willing community: this thread is a proof.
I have a plea: could I at least have access to 1 (one) only one page on the wiki where I can write notes for noobs? [just for clarification, by noob I mean someone just coming to the system for the first time, I do not necessarily mean completely ignorant - resourceful people can be interested without having weeks to spend on it]. I spent the whole morning reading around on the wiki and find things a bit all over the place.
This is a project that need more support and I'm sure people are interested, but it's not easy to start. With all the reading I've been doing, I still consider myself a bit lost. I find great nuggets of info here and there, and I'd like to bring it together in a friendly usable form (links mostly) that can help people just walk through and not ask the stupid questions I am asking. I would not have to if the answer was obvious, but I have not been able to find it easily, and it's not because I did not make the effort to read (I took a week off just to familiarize myself with he subject - I'm sure a lot of people can not afford that). This should help people sort themselves out and free some time for the admins/moderators.
So, can I please, please, pleeeease have a page?
I am willing to maintain and keep improving the page.
(alternatively, I can start a separate thread for noobs that can be used as a reference, but a wiki page is the most appropriate - it can be edited)