Thank you all so much for your replies.
I've been waiting all day for replies to be emailed, but received nothing on my phone. I was expecting the forum software to send me notifications I requested, but I may be missing something. Please point me to the right setting.
update: I finally got 1 notification.
Get quality Ethernet wiring throughout the house as step one,...
If you want inexpensive hardware, that's one thing,... but,... don't skimp on the infrastructure (Ethernet wiring) ... With walls open, you have an advantage most of us do not...
That was my idea exactly. I'm glad to see that I'm in the right direction. I replaced and re-framed all the windows. In the process, I made provision for sensors and blinds: 1 run of cat 6, and one run of electric wire, with neutral and ground (at each window/door).
And if you do not go KNX atm, do yourself a favor, and run a cable ring through your house touching each place where you expect a sensor (thermostate, motion, button).
will do...
Most appliance/lighting control is not X10 stuff any longer... it's z-wave, zigbee, etc.
the only one I had done any serious reading about has been insteon, because it was advertized as the "next best thing" after x10 that was dying. But my reading revealed to me that it was riddled with problems, but they have mostly been fixed. Most of the posts out there however are old, so, I don't know...
I'll take anything you can advise, as long as you're confident it's solid as of date, and works properly with LMCE.
... wireless stuff...
not really interrested in it. I'd rather wire. First all these wave HAVE to affect our health somehow, I can't prove it, but I know it's u-natural. There' enough of them in the air...
and cable is much more faster with no bottleneck. Wireless is still broadcast, so I'm nit sure how well it will work when people start streaming HD movies from each room...
I'd rather wire.
Anything with regards to electrical wiring is just a matter of having well grounded, correctly polarized electrical service delivery.
Glad to hear. Thank you.
Having Wifi coverage is a matter of strategic placement of wireless access points. Having Ethernet wiring throughout the house helps there...
One access point easily covers the house. I currently have 2 going.
Z-wave stuff can be added as needed
any online store suggestion?
- lighting control
I'd recommend a cabled system like KNX over wireless solutions like Z-Wave
Not much to add to what hari said, except that KNX might be a bit hard to source in the US. BUT, it really is worth it.
Just say the word!...
googling "KNX" was not very helpful here. Could you please give me a link?
I have a sister in england, and a cousin in france. I might be able to get the european stuff, as long as it works on 110.
- whole house music
either get squeezeboxes for the zones where you don't have a LMCE MD or use soft squeeze on the core with an audio distribution system
I'm currently running vortexbox. It does everything, but I don't yet know how it integrates with LMCE. I have a player, and a touch, can control it with my android phone, stream to my android phone, and I am fairly confident I can do the multi-zones with it. But it has to integrate with LMCE, and I have not gotten that far yet. My key thing is that I want LMCE at the heart of everything.
I tried reading on the audio distribution system stuff, and ended up drowning in the sea of ignorance.Any suggestions?
- whole house A/V
done by the MDs
I'll read more on it. Thank you.
- temp control
KNX has nice temp controllers, for Z-Wave there are thermostats, too.
Please post me some links.
- tts is built in
- voice recog is not yet supported
- proximity detection
works via bluetooth with mobile orbiters (either symbian or java phones). With some hacking you can also use active RFID tokens
I use android. I guess it will have to be java?
- door locks
KNX has I/O moduls that can attach to any electromechanical door or opener. Z-Wave has bolts.
Please post links.
- alarm
make sure that you've some motion detectors in place, they can also be used for lighting in e.g. the hallway. Run cables to your windows for contact closure sensors.
I've done the cabling, but how do I interface them to the LMCE?
- surveillance
get some good webcams like axis or mobotix (the cheap ones make shitty pictures in the dark)
Any suggestions, or do I just pick one from the list on the wiki?
- garden sprinkler
get a rain8net device (it is supported) and attach 24V AC valves to it (e.g. from Gardena)
Thank you, I'm on it...
- appliances control
plugs ?...(what do I know?-I'm clueless-I just know it'll be nice to control them!)
- other stuff
don't forget smoke detectors. What about blinds/drapes?
Right on the detectors. I wired electric for those too. Which ones to use?
How about carbon detectors?
I have wired for blinds also, i just don't know where to buy the stuff, and what's the right stuff to buy, or what's the right price range.
If possible wire each light directly into a central switchboard, as well as the power outlets.
By code, the wires go to a breaker box. Are you referring to another location/box?
I actually thought of that, and I'm about to rewire because I don't like the work that was done, I'm going with heavier wires and shorter distances this week. I can reroute them.
While you have all the walls open, it will "only" cost you the cable. But in the long run, it will allow you to easily switch to whatever architecture that might come along. Stuff like central off for every light and every power outlet is easily done doing this.
What would I terminate the wires in?