Rule #1 - Be Patient - Rule #2 - Don't ask when, if you don't contribute - Rule #3 - You have coding skills - LinuxMCE's small brother is available:
10 09/11/12 23:36:40.985 Receive string: MESSAGE 89 <0xb5987b70>10 09/11/12 23:36:40.985 Received MESSAGE 89 0x863b400 device: 31 <0xb5987b70>10 09/11/12 23:36:40.985 Received Message type 1 ID 842 from 0 to 31 (device: 31) resp 0 <0xb5987b70>36 09/11/12 23:36:40.985 ZWave::CMD_Set_Association <0xb5987b70>36 09/11/12 23:36:40.985 parsing node list <0xb5987b70>40 09/11/12 23:36:40.998 Sending job 0x86939c0 (cb 79) - 0x1 0xd 0x0 0x13 0x2 0x4 0x8e 0x1 0x1 0x0 0x3 0x3 0x5 0x4f 0x23 (#\r###########O#) <0xb6d89b70>41 09/11/12 23:36:41.004 0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0xb6d89b70>35 09/11/12 23:36:41.004 ZW_SEND delivered to Z-Wave stack <0xb6d89b70>41 09/11/12 23:36:41.016 0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0x3 0x0 0xea (#######) <0xb6d89b70>35 09/11/12 23:36:41.016 ZW_SEND Response with callback 3 received <0xb6d89b70>05 09/11/12 23:36:41.016 ERROR: callback id is invalid! <0xb6d89b70>36 09/11/12 23:36:41.016 Generic callback handling for command 19, removing job <0xb6d89b70>40 09/11/12 23:36:41.116 Sending job 0x8693be0 (cb 80) - 0x1 0xd 0x0 0x13 0x2 0x4 0x8e 0x1 0x1 0x0 0x4 0x4 0x5 0x50 0x3c (#\r###########P<) <0xb6d89b70>41 09/11/12 23:36:41.124 0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0xb6d89b70>35 09/11/12 23:36:41.125 ZW_SEND delivered to Z-Wave stack <0xb6d89b70>41 09/11/12 23:36:41.129 0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0x4 0x0 0xed (#######) <0xb6d89b70>35 09/11/12 23:36:41.129 ZW_SEND Response with callback 4 received <0xb6d89b70>05 09/11/12 23:36:41.129 ERROR: callback id is invalid! <0xb6d89b70>36 09/11/12 23:36:41.129 Generic callback handling for command 19, removing job <0xb6d89b70>40 09/11/12 23:36:41.230 Sending job 0x8693e00 (cb 81) - 0x1 0xd 0x0 0x13 0x2 0x4 0x8e 0x1 0x1 0x0 0x5 0x5 0x5 0x51 0x3d (#\r###########Q=) <0xb6d89b70>41 09/11/12 23:36:41.237 0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0xb6d89b70>35 09/11/12 23:36:41.237 ZW_SEND delivered to Z-Wave stack <0xb6d89b70>41 09/11/12 23:36:41.249 0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0x5 0x0 0xec (#######) <0xb6d89b70>35 09/11/12 23:36:41.249 ZW_SEND Response with callback 5 received <0xb6d89b70>05 09/11/12 23:36:41.249 ERROR: callback id is invalid! <0xb6d89b70>36 09/11/12 23:36:41.249 Generic callback handling for command 19, removing job <0xb6d89b70>
Thanks hari,One last question for davegravy, so I have a zstick and minimote. Excuse the noob lack of understanding but the associations in your case are then stored in the zstick and read in by your core? I assume the homeseer ware was only used temporarily and the core picked up the task of controlling them? Could I use the minimote in place of the homeseer app when I get around to this?Thanks for the patience:)