Thank you both for looking over my layout. I really appreciate the snapshot info as I always suspected my connection was killing my ability to get my core fully functional. A few years back in Arizona on a much more conventional service I had a much easier time with updates and installation. Going the snapshot route will definitely get me that stability but is going to continue to hurt my ability to test and contribute until I find a better ISP option in my area.
I have two new txt files staring at me from my desktop now. "How to get dual twin-view configured" and "How to put cams on external networks" will develop into guides as I have time to generate them. I can have the basics done by this weekend I am sure.
Clonezilla has made me a much braver user. My typical avenue to getting something working is break it, restore, destroy it, restore, almost get it, restore, spend 1-2 days reading everything I can about it (self-proclaimed expert mode /on), break it so badly that it's not recognizable, restore, realize I am over-thinking something and attempt small changes with patience and a notepad to track results (expert mode /off) and then ultimately have a working component. Preparing a guide requires me to retrace only the last part of that process and document only the necessary bits.