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[solved] 1004: Video list empty, search shows the videos !?

Started by Viking, July 30, 2012, 12:22:39 PM

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testing the 1004 and now I would like to play some videos. Tried searching for the problem, but did not find anything.

But strangely enough the videos are not shown when i select Video. The list is empty.
They are on a second disk in the system.

If i then in the video list (empty) select "search" and press "i", then all videos with "i" are shown !? and I can then play them.

I had 804 running before that and there it worked. I thought that maybe was owner rights and set them all to "my user" and public. But that did not change anything.

Also in the web interface they are all shown.

The disc link Looks ok :
root@dcerouter:/home/public/data/videos# ll
total 8
drwxrwsr-x  2 root public 4096 2012-07-30 11:59 ./
drwxrwsr-x 11 root public 4096 2012-07-30 12:11 ../
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root public   33 2012-07-30 11:59 184G ST3500320AS (sda8) on dce [31] -> /mnt/device/31/public/data/videos/

any ideas?

Regards Viking
My System :


Armor Gnome

I had a similar issue and resolved mine with changing the setting for View "watched only", "unwatched" to the "all" setting using the onscreen orbiter.
I made a wiki!  Click [url=]here[/url] to check out my system.


Quote from: Armor Gnome on July 30, 2012, 12:39:30 PM
I had a similar issue and resolved mine with changing the setting for View "watched only", "unwatched" to the "all" setting using the onscreen orbiter.

Thanks for the feedback :-) But there is no "all" in the orbiter!? Only "watched" and "unwatched" - and it does not matter what I select. All the other settings like genre and so on are also "All".
My System :



I had the same issue when using softraid and it kept marking it as offline when clearly it was fine (I think the UUID was detected wrong). I used to have to go into the webpage mark it as online, do a quick reload, and resync the directory. I had the issue when one of the MD's was turned off then back on again (daily).

Although I have manual mount points.


This was fixed in a more recent snapshot, and it was caused literally by the media director trying to find every single hard disk in the house, even ones that weren't locally connected.

If this is still happening in the most current snapshot, please file a bug, and we'll fix it. :)



Hi Thom,

my issue or the softraid issue of dextaslab?

I am using LMCE-1004-20120623013626110 which is the current recomended here

I have started an apt-get update + apt-get upgrade - lets see what happens (it is a test system, so if it breaks it is not a big problem)

My System :



The update did fix the problem :-)

Thanks a lot Thom :-)
My System :



Am having similar issue with empty video list, snapshot 20120716081426238.  But I will try the upgrade script tonight and see if it sorts it out as well as filling in the snapshot details.

Running upgrade script now...

PS, just want to say again that the latest installers are so sweet. Installing was an absolute breeze.


Same story for me- my second (media) drive has the "online" checkbox in its device data section unchecked. Once I check it, the media is available again. How can I get this setting to be persistent. I've done a global upgrade but that doesn't seem to have resolved it. Any ideas? Also not sure if shutting down an MD is what causes it to become unchecked.... will test that now.

Yup, that's it. I shut down one of the media directors and, when it starts again, it seems to take the drive (on the core) offline for some reason?


And you did do an :

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

first on the core and then on the MD ?
Not sure if necessary, but shutdown and rebooted everyting after that. Only the MythTV crashing problem was then there. Did not yet have time to try the fix for that.
My System :



Quote from: Viking on August 01, 2012, 04:20:28 PM
And you did do an :

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

first on the core and then on the MD ?
Not sure if necessary, but shutdown and rebooted everyting after that. Only the MythTV crashing problem was then there. Did not yet have time to try the fix for that.

Not exactly, I used L3mce's global_upgrades script which is a pretty neat alternative and I think it does practically the same thing. However, I did not shut down the core after that I think so perhaps I'll do that. Shut it down, un plug it, count to 10 and stuff. Kind of a windows approach but worth a shot ;-)

Will report back.


Definitely not resolved. To confirm behaviour- I can get to a movie by doing a "search" and typing any letter on the screen and then I can select it and play it fine but none displayed in the default grid/list when I pop up movies from the media menu.

It seems to be, as stated, the drive being marked as offline everytime a media director starts up. In other words, after manually marking the drive as "online" in the webadmin device details, the movies all appear. Then, shutting down any of the MDs doesn't affect it but as soon as one of them starts up, it disappears again.

I'll search for the ticket because Thom mentioned earlier this had been resolved. Perhaps that'll give me some clues.

Edit: Couldn't find the ticket. Next step, I'll watch the logs when starting an MD and see if I can pick up the event that is causing the drive to go offline.



Not sure if this is related...,11615.0.html

I could search for movies and find them but under videos all was blank.

Hope this helps.


Quote from: pigdog on August 02, 2012, 04:50:29 PM

Not sure if this is related...,11615.0.html

I could search for movies and find them but under videos all was blank.

Hope this helps.

No, thanks for the idea but I'm pretty sure it's not that. I've fiddled with all the sort by settings and the movies don't appear at all but you can make them appear by marking the drive online in the webadmin. Something is setting the drive to offline occasionally.


OK, I'm getting somewhere on my side. I discovered which runs on all MDs and the core and, among other things, sets drives on or offline.

It doesn't log by default so I set it to log and discovered the following.

On the core, the log reads:

Sun Aug  5 18:54:54 SAST 2012 ----------------- DEVICE 37 1
Sun Aug  5 18:55:00 SAST 2012 ----------------- DEVICE 37 1 (unchanged)
Sun Aug  5 18:55:05 SAST 2012 ----------------- DEVICE 37 1 (unchanged)
Sun Aug  5 18:55:11 SAST 2012 ----------------- DEVICE 37 1 (unchanged)

Weird.... so the core sets the drive online when it starts up the script and thinks it is still online the whole time. Which is not surprising because the code doesn't actually check the drive status each time via the database... it just checks what it was set to last time. Which is fine if last time it was set, it was set from this script.... but what if it was set somewhere else... like the same script on one of the MDs....

So I got one of my moons logging, which revealed:
un Aug  5 20:27:27 SAST 2012 Drive 37 (debb5bd0-682a-4ec4-8bd2-75a66b2678ae) is not advertised by it's parent smb server (
Sun Aug  5 20:27:29 SAST 2012 ----------------- DEVICE 37 0
Sun Aug  5 20:27:35 SAST 2012 Drive 37 (debb5bd0-682a-4ec4-8bd2-75a66b2678ae) is not advertised by it's parent smb server (
Sun Aug  5 20:27:35 SAST 2012 ----------------- DEVICE 37 0 (unchanged)
Sun Aug  5 20:27:40 SAST 2012 Drive 37 (debb5bd0-682a-4ec4-8bd2-75a66b2678ae) is not advertised by it's parent smb server (
Sun Aug  5 20:27:40 SAST 2012 ----------------- DEVICE 37 0 (unchanged)

Aha.... so when the MD starts up, it sets the drive OFFLINE because it can't connect to a samba share.

So on the moon I try

root@moon22:/var/log/pluto# smbclient -A /usr/pluto/var/sambaCredentials.secret --list=// --grepable
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

So I guess it is a SMB problem?