When i follow the advice in the wiki
http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Express_Controls_EZmotion_(HSM_100) for setting the wakeup time to 6 minutes then in the log i see:
36 05/19/12 0:37:26.702 Nodeid: 2 Value: 360 <0x41000b70>
36 05/19/12 0:37:26.702 Adding job to sleeping queue: 0x9bcb708 <0x41000b70>
36 05/19/12 0:37:29.262 We have been idle for 30 seconds, polling device states <0x40a69b70>
40 05/19/12 0:37:29.362 Sending job 0x9bcb928 (cb 88) - 0x1 0x9 0x0 0x13 0xff 0x2 0x20 0x2 0x5 0x58 0x67 (###### ##Xg) <0x40a69b70>
41 05/19/12 0:37:29.366 0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0x40a69b70>
35 05/19/12 0:37:29.367 ZW_SEND delivered to Z-Wave stack <0x40a69b70>
41 05/19/12 0:37:29.387 0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0x58 0x0 0xb1 (####X##) <0x40a69b70>
35 05/19/12 0:37:29.388 ZW_SEND Response with callback 88 received <0x40a69b70>
35 05/19/12 0:37:29.388 ZW_SEND was successful, removing job <0x40a69b70>
then i believe that it was switched to a wakeup time of 6 Minutes.
But after some time it seems to be resettet to 3600 again.
So after following the steps in the wiki for changing certain parameters, is there s.th i have to do to make them fix? Sorry, s.th like a SAVE?
If i send the command for the motion to have a maximum length of 1 minute, then i got following response:
40 05/19/12 0:41:03.503 Sending job 0x9bcea08 (cb 111) - 0x1 0x9 0x0 0x13 0xff 0x2 0x31 0x4 0x5 0x6f 0x47 (######1##oG) <0x40a69b70>
41 05/19/12 0:41:03.507 0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0x40a69b70>
35 05/19/12 0:41:03.508 ZW_SEND delivered to Z-Wave stack <0x40a69b70>
41 05/19/12 0:41:03.528 0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0x6f 0x0 0x86 (####o##) <0x40a69b70>
35 05/19/12 0:41:03.529 ZW_SEND Response with callback 111 received <0x40a69b70>
35 05/19/12 0:41:03.529 ZW_SEND was successful, removing job <0x40a69b70>
10 05/19/12 0:41:24.038 Receive string: MESSAGE 85 <0x41000b70>
10 05/19/12 0:41:24.038 Received MESSAGE 85 0x9b88870 device: 137 <0x41000b70>
10 05/19/12 0:41:24.038 Received Message type 1 ID 841 from 0 to 137 (device: 137) resp 0 <0x41000b70>
36 05/19/12 0:41:33.668 We have been idle for 30 seconds, polling device states <0x40a69b70>
40 05/19/12 0:41:33.769 Sending job 0x9bcec28 (cb 112) - 0x1 0x9 0x0 0x13 0xff 0x2 0x20 0x2 0x5 0x70 0x4f (###### ##pO) <0x40a69b70>
41 05/19/12 0:41:33.773 0x1 0x4 0x1 0x13 0x1 0xe8 (######) <0x40a69b70>
35 05/19/12 0:41:33.774 ZW_SEND delivered to Z-Wave stack <0x40a69b70>
41 05/19/12 0:41:33.794 0x1 0x5 0x0 0x13 0x70 0x0 0x99 (####p##) <0x40a69b70>
35 05/19/12 0:41:33.795 ZW_SEND Response with callback 112 received <0x40a69b70>
35 05/19/12 0:41:33.795 ZW_SEND was successful, removing job <0x40a69b70>
i do not know, what am i doing wrong, with this zwave.