Can you somewhere define the outgoing routes?
When i call now from a sip phone, i got a nice voice telling me that all circuits are busy.
Or maybe it has something to do with the amount of numbers? For example i personally don't like an extra 0 to dial outside. And in Belgium the amount of numbers is rarther short:
- fixed line: 01 234 56 78
- cell phone: 0123 45 67 89
The phones are trying to go outside, the 'line' is trying to come in. But somewhere in between, they don't meet...
Some logging:
Call Date File Src Channel Source Application Destination Dst Channel Disposition Duration Userfield Account
2012-07-24 20:01:02 SIP 201 Playback 00479112233 SIP FAILED 00:03
2012-07-24 20:00:53 SIP 201 Playback 0479112233 SIP FAILED 00:02
2012-07-24 19:53:29 SIP 201 Playback 1207 SIP FAILED 00:02
2012-07-24 19:53:22 SIP 201 Playback 01207 SIP FAILED 00:03
2012-07-18 20:34:02 SIP 201 Playback 209 SIP FAILED 00:02
2012-07-18 20:20:04 SIP 201 ResetCDR 0479112233 SIP FAILED 00:05
2012-07-18 20:19:55 SIP 201 Playback 00479112233 SIP FAILED 00:03
2012-07-18 20:07:33 SIP 201 Playback 00479112233 SIP FAILED 00:03
2012-07-18 20:00:14 SIP 201 Playback 0479112233 SIP FAILED 00:03
2012-07-18 19:55:59 Local 003293112233 Dial 201 SIP NO ANSWER 00:15
2012-07-18 19:55:59 SIP 003293112233 Set 003293112233 Local ANSWERED 00:20
2012-07-18 19:55:05 Local 003293112233 Dial 201 SIP NO ANSWER 00:15
2012-07-18 19:55:05 SIP 003293112233 Set 003293112233 Local ANSWERED 00:29
2012-07-18 19:52:42 SIP 201 Playback 00479112233 SIP FAILED 00:02
2012-07-18 19:52:21 SIP 0479112233 Congestion s ANSWERED 00:11
2012-07-18 19:48:46 SIP 201 Playback 0479112233 SIP FAILED 00:03