Potentially, I haven't setup a dedicated 1004 box yet to test. Though I plan on doing so in the next week or so when I have some time.
If someone has a 1004 setup and uses diskless MD's could you please let us know if there is a NIS binding problem on your diskless?
SSH into your diskless MD from the core
core$ sudo -i
core# ssh moonXX
moonXX#killall ypbind
moonXX#service nis restart
And see if you get the binding to YP..... failure (or backgrounded is another possible output depending on the NIS version/setup scripts)
Equivalently, on your core do the following
core$ sudo -i
core# ypbind -d -no-dbus
and you should get output similar to the following
core#ypbind -d -no-dbus
13792: parsing config file
13792: Trying entry: ypserver
13792: parsed ypserver
13792: add_server() domain: pluto, host:, slot: 0
13792: [Welcome to ypbind-mt, version 1.20.1]
13792: ping interval is 20 seconds
13794: ping host '', domain 'pluto'
13794: Answer for domain 'pluto' from server ''
If NIS sucessfully binds to the ypserv on the core
Otherwise you will see
core#ypbind -d -no-dbus
16411: parsing config file
16411: Trying entry: ypserver
16411: parsed ypserver
16411: add_server() domain: pluto, host:, slot: 0
16411: [Welcome to ypbind-mt, version 1.20.1]
16411: ping interval is 20 seconds
16413: ping host '', domain 'pluto'
16413: Pinging all active servers.
16413: ping host '', domain 'pluto'
where the last lines "Pinging all active servers" indicates that ypbind is broadcasting for any open NIS servers because it didn't receive any answer from the core, and it will loop this process, trying to bind to the core then broadcasting for an open NIS etc...
If you have the latter problem then there is an NIS failure. In which case check that both your core and MD is listed as a host in the /etc/ypserv.securenets file and try the above again.
Also note, that the core is the NIS master server so it doesn't need to bind to itself in the LMCE configuration. But it is still an easy way to test for possible NIS failure points, since you know if the core can't bind it's not a firewall problem but probably a ypserv security problem.