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Android QOrbiter

Started by golgoj4, February 12, 2012, 07:01:04 AM

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There is a new 'nightly' up at Http://

This is the OpenGL version. While you wont see fancy effects as of yet, you _should_ see improved graphics performance. Works on the Droid X I have here, but would like someone with a tablet to give it a before I push it out to the market.

Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


I'll update my phone and tablet when I get home in a couple hours and let you know here or in irc.

My setup: [url=""][/url]


Updated my skins folder, re-ran the qorbiter-generator.php for my device ids.  Grabbed the new experimental apk on each device.  Results:

The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 4G likes the photos running in the background.  ;)  Nice touch.  Functionality is improved across a lot of the interface.  Maturing well!  Great job!  No 'Play All' button for audio media, have to play tracks individually.  Power menu appears, didn't do anything when I selected an option.  Selecting the 'Room' button at the bottom loads some pictures along the top at the left hand side of the screen that have no text,actually I think the orbiter screen is pushed up off the display by the amount consumed by the Android Os tablet menu along the bottom of the screen, all the screens appear to be missing this chunk of pixels along the top of display.

The Samsung Galaxy S Glide phone (Captivate Glide stateside) is not working.  App starts, gets to 'Setting up Lmce' and freezes.  No response.  Have to kill it from the task manager.  I'll have to remove the app and config folder and re-install to see if this fixes the app load.

Performed a fresh install on my wifes phone, identical, and the app loads.  Go to choose a room and the list appears but we are unable to select a room, the list never closes.  Lights on/off works.  Advanced menu shows, haven't tested buttons on this menu yet.  Video menu brings up a list of videos, some pics show, but all text is showing as small boxes in place of each letter of the titles/names.  Choosing items to play videos works, now playing screen shows text properly.  Volume up/down works in media playback.  Audio list is similar to video list, blocks for letters.  No 'Play All' but playback of individual tracks is working.  Audio track info in the now playing screen is showing blocks for letters in the text.

Icon is great, nicer than the large 'Q' :).

If you want more specifics or real-time feedback in irc let me know.

My setup: [url=""][/url]


I will be investigating the issus with the galaxy S. I have updated and tested the user and room selector for the android phone, they should now be working

*Play all should be coming soon
*im investigating the issue with the very curious as to what thats all about, will report back asap

thanks for testing!

Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


ok, i found a potential fix for the text issue. Its been rolled in and is on my website for your download and feedback. :)

Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


Quote from: golgoj4 on March 24, 2012, 05:03:05 AM
I will be investigating the issus with the galaxy S. I have updated and tested the user and room selector for the android phone, they should now be working

Keep in mind that my phone is the Galaxy S Glide (Captivate Glide in the US) and so it is not the same as the Galaxy S that everyone is used to.  This is a dual-core phone with a slide out keyboard.  Just in case there is confusion (I know most people are about the 'S' line).

Room selection:

  • On the Galaxy Tab 10.1: Images are now a little lower on the screen and I can read the names along the top. 
  • On Both: Selection seems to function properly and the scenarios on the screen change accordingly.  The name of the room on the room button does not change and always remains the original room.

User selection:

  • On Both: Selection seems to function properly but I can't actually tell as no user name is displayed anywhere to tell if it has actually changed.

Quote from: golgoj4 on March 24, 2012, 05:03:05 AM
*Play all should be coming soon

k, I will stop mentioning it until you say it's in.  Just didn't know if was supposed to be there yet or not.

Quote from: golgoj4 on March 24, 2012, 05:03:05 AM
*im investigating the issue with the very curious as to what thats all about, will report back asap
Quote from: golgoj4 on March 24, 2012, 05:39:50 AM
ok, i found a potential fix for the text issue. Its been rolled in and is on my website for your download and feedback. :)

Cool the synopsis and performers lists expand/contrct.  On both the phones and tablet.

Okay, in the Now Playing screen for Audio:

  • On the Galaxy Tab 10.1: Artist Name and Track Name are showing correctly but the Album Name/Year are showing in blocks.
  • On the Galaxy S Glide Phones: Artist Name and Album Name/Year are showing correctly but the Track Name is showing in blocks.  :-p

Okay, in the Now Playing screen for Video:

  • On the Galaxy Tab 10.1: Video Name shows correctly, Genres show correctly, Performers show in all blocks and whatever the text is above the current time is showing in blocks as well.  Synopsis has some strange characters and blocks in it but mostly correct.  The 'image' that loads is not always the correct image it is often showing us the image for the last media track played or the first image loaded only, regardless of how many media tracks we continue to play.
  • On the Galaxy S Glide Phones: Everything seems to be displaying correctly.  The 'image' that loads is not always the correct image it is often showing us the image for the last media track played and not always updating.

Audio Lists (datagrids):

  • Galaxy Tab 10.1:Text seems to show fine for audio, when I choose a track to play and it brings up the info screen for the track the text on that screen is all in blocks except the name of the track. (The play/move/close screen).  Button text is fine.
  • Galaxy S Glide Phones: Images show, text is all blocks.  There are twice the number of actual tracks showing in the list. (16 tracks, shows 32 in the list).  The play/move/close screen shows text properly.

Video Lists (datagrids) essentially the same as for the audio:

  • Galaxy Tab 10.1:Text seems to show fine for video, when I choose a track to play and it brings up the info screen for the track all text on that screen is in blocks except the name of the track. (The play/move/close screen).  Button text is fine.
  • Galaxy S Glide Phones: Images show, text is all blocks.  There are twice the number of actual tracks showing in the list. (16 tracks, shows 32 in the list).  The play/move/close screen shows text properly.

'Power' Menu:

  • On Tab: Power menu opens, pressing buttons (display on/off, MD on/of) doesn't have any affect.
  • On Phone: Selection seems to function properly and the scenarios on the screen change accordingly.  The name of the room on the room button does not change and always remains the original room.

Quote from: golgoj4 on March 24, 2012, 05:03:05 AM
thanks for testing!

You're welcome.  Thank you for all the amazing work you're doing here!  I am only too happy to help!  My wife is really liking the idea of controlling the system from her phone and she is very tolerant of me breaking things if it will ultimately lead to an improved experience.  She's very forgiving.  :)

My setup: [url=""][/url]


Im happy to hear she's willing to deal with my so so programming!

The issue, as you just helped me confirm, related to devices not reporting their DPI. Now, I have no idea if its the software im compiling with, or the phone, but what I do know is that by setting the text to bold, it forces it to show. Weird I know, but now that you helped me figure that out, the blocks should be going away as I know specfically what to address now.

As for the other issues, im slowly rounding those out as frankly im a little add touched and I bounce back and forth in between the 3 different skins im working on now.

Also, doing some research into the Captivate Glide, it appears that it does support Open GL es. Other users have reported some issues using ministro when it came to downloading the libraries required. If you wouldnt mind please:
*Find the ministro app under setting, and click 'Clear Data'
*re-run qOrbiter

I suspect there was an update or something that wasnt transparent fully with ministro and that the library versions are mismatching. Let me know when you can


-Thanks again
Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.



I just installed (first time) qorbiter on my Android (cheap china device - "Leader TAB R70"*) and after "splash screen" qorbiter exits without any message. I can't even put IP of my core.
Is it possible to run qorbiter on my device or I have to buy something like Galaxy tab?.
I can run any app if you want to dig deep into my droid.


*Some info from Android system info app:
Android version : 2.1-update1-1.0.0
Release Codename : REL
CPU ABI : armeabi
Manufacturer : unknown
Board : trout
Brand : rockchip
Device : sdkDemo
Display : V0.18.ECLAIR.FH_TONE_8188.20110114.102044
Fingerprint : rockchip/sdkDemo/sdkDemo/trout:2.1-update1/ECLAIR/eng.temp.20110114.102044:user/test-keys
Host : temp-desktop
Model : rk2818sdk
Download Cache Max: 112MB/ Free: 96.76MB
data Max: 248MB/ Free: 186MB
External storage Max: 7.39GB/ Free: 4.48GB
Total RAM: 200MB
Free RAM: 82.51MB
Threshold RAM: 16.00MB
Resolution: 800 x 480
Refresh Rate: 73726.48
X factor for DIP: 1.0
Density: 160 dpi
Pixel per inch X: 25.4 dpi Y: 25.4 dpi
OpenGL Version supported : 0.0
OpenGL Version supported : OpenGL ES-CM 1.0
Vendor : Android
Renderer : Android PixelFlinger 1.2
Extensions :
GL_OES_byte_coordinates GL_OES_fixed_point GL_OES_single_precision GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_draw_texture GL_OES_matrix_get GL_OES_query_matrix GL_OES_EGL_image GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ANDROID_user_clip_plane GL_ANDROID_vertex_buffer_object GL_ANDROID_generate_mipmap


i have the same result on my cheap tablet.

i think this issue is related  to android 2.2  and 2.1

i go to upgrade to 2.3 to see  if work



Quote from: cfernandes on March 24, 2012, 10:41:31 PM
i have the same result on my cheap tablet.

i think this issue is related  to android 2.2  and 2.1

i go to upgrade to 2.3 to see  if work


Did both of you guys install from the market or the website posted? The website is open gl builds only at the moment, until I post the openGL version there.

There non opengl version will stay with us as my phone falls into that category

Installing from the Google Market should work for low end phones though.

And lastly, a preview of whats coming for the onscreen UI

Now calling all skin designers!

Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.



You are right - I installed app from site.
After install app from market, now I can put the IP of core (I use and #device, but after hit "Go!" the app exits (for the while on the screen there is message "Guessing android phone, Loading Phone skins").
After a few try I observe that app do not remember core IP nor device no. (in the device nomber there is usually some random data).   




Quote from: ppiszc on March 24, 2012, 11:05:04 PM

You are right - I installed app from site.
After install app from market, now I can put the IP of core (I use and #device, but after hit "Go!" the app exits (for the while on the screen there is message "Guessing android phone, Loading Phone skins").
After a few try I observe that app do not remember core IP nor device no. (in the device nomber there is usually some random data).   


Ok thanks guys i will be looking into this further. Quick question Are you on wifi?

Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


Quote from: golgoj4 on March 24, 2012, 08:11:00 PM
I suspect there was an update or something that wasnt transparent fully with ministro and that the library versions are mismatching. Let me know when you can

Everything's working on both my phones and the tablet now.

My setup: [url=""][/url]


QuoteOk thanks guys i will be looking into this further. Quick question Are you on wifi?

I use wifi.
