Sorry for being a bit confusing guys
I have not released the new apk yet as of this posting. I took some time to try and fix the issue with needing to double tap for certain functions things to happen.
Testing consists of 2 different things on android
1) QML. This is the ui, and while its kind of weird, think of it literally as CSS style. Thats essentially what the qml is. So, that being said, upgrades, changes, etc to the UI can be gotten by doing the svn update of your qml as its loaded from the network
2) The APK. The apk is the core code which actually runs on your Android device. As was pointed out, I have nightly builds on my website, and updates are pushed to the market after sufficient tests.
I have pushed an update for the QML, which can be grabbed by doing an svn update. The actual APK will be coming a bit later, as I was trying to implement some open gl visual effects. I think im going to save that for the next pass however.