I've got my wireless router positioned ahead of the core (on the external network). This lets me work on the core without impacting my wife's ability to use her laptop. Now I'd like to set up a wireless orbiter, and I'm wondering what to do. Three options come to mind...
1. Move the router to the internal network. When I work on the core, I'll command my wife to suck it up and get off the computer - there's ironing to be done.
2. Spend money on a second wireless router, thus delaying my retirement, further irradiating my reproductive organs, killing nearby flora, and contributing to global warming.
3. Do something clever to make the orbiter work with the router in its current location on the external network.
I'm too afraid to try option 1, would feel guilty about option 2, and I'm too ignorant about networking to know if option 3 could work. I think Alx8r got option 3 to work, but I'm not clear exactly how.
http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Alx9r%27s_Router_SetupIdeas, anyone?